Dec Ses. 1816
Damages to be
valued in city.
— in western
— in eastern
— to be col-
lected and paid.
Mayor, &c.
authorised to
borrow money.
5. And be it enacted, That before the said mayor and city
council shall proceed to open any public square, street, lane or
alley, or any part thereof, within the said city, in pursuance of
this act, they shall appoint five assessors, who, or a majority of
whom, shall, on oath or affirmation, value and determine the da-
mages which any proprietor or proprietors over whose ground
the same may pass will sustain thereby, taking into consideration
all advantages and disadvantages; and said assessors shall ap-
portion the amount of such damages to and amongst the several
proprietors of property according to the benefits which, in the
judgment of said assessors, they will respectively receive by the
opening of such public street, lane or alley, or part thereof.
6. And be it enacted, That before the said commissioners of the
western precincts shall proceed to open any public square, street,
lane or alley, or any part thereof, within the said precincts, in
pursuance of this act, they shall appoint five assessors, who, or
a majority of them, shall, on oath or affirmation, value and de-
termine the damages which any proprietor or proprietors, over
whose ground the same may pass will sustain thereby, taking
into consideration all advantages and disadvantages; and said
assessors shall apportion such damages to and amongst the seve-
ral proprietors of property, according to the benefits which in the
judgment of said assessors they will respectively receive by the
opening of such street, lane or alley, or part thereof.
7. And be it enacted, That before the said commissioners of
the eastern precincts shall proceed to open any public square,
street, lane or alley, or any part thereof, within the said pre-
cincts, in pursuance of this act, they shall appoint five asses-
sors, who, or a majority of them, shall, on oath or affirmation,
value and determine the damages which any proprietor or pro-
prietors over whose ground the same may pass, will sustain
thereby, taking into consideration advantages and disadvan-
tages; and the said assessors shall apportion the amount of such
damages to and amongst the several proprietors of property,
according to the benefits which in the judgment of the assessors
they will respectively receive by the opening of such street, lane
or alley, or part thereof.
S. And be it enacted. That the said mayor and city council,
and commissioners of the western and eastern precincts, respec-
tively, shall cause to be collected the several damages awarded as
aforesaid, in the same manner (and with an equal allowance of
commission for collection) as the tax of the city of Baltimore is
collected, and cause the same to be paid to the persons entitled
thereto, but no ground shall be used, nor improvements removed,
for the purposes aforesaid, until the damages assessed on account
of such ground or improvements shall be paid or tendered to the
proprietor thereof, or unless such proprietor shall give the assent
thereto in writing; Provided, that the assent of guardians, on
behalf of minors, shall be a sufficient authority for the purposes
aforesaid, and for all other purposes in which their assent is re-
quired by this act.
9. And be it enacted, That the mayor and city council of Bal-
timore, and the commissioners of the western and eastern pre-
cincts respectively, be and they are hereby authorised and re-