Dec. Ses. 1816
Passed Feb. 3.
ers appointed
to lay off part
of Baltimore
county within
certain limits.
chapter 218.
An act relating to Streets in the City and Precincts of
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
John E. Howard, William Pattison, William Gibson, William
Lorman, Solomon Etting, George Warner, Owen Dorsey,
George Winchester, James Mosher, William M'Mechen, John
Hillen, Joseph Townsend and Henry Thompson, shall be and
they are hereby appointed commissioners, who shall cause to be
surveyed and laid off by the surveyor of the city of Baltimore,
under their direction, all that part of Baltimore county, which
lies within the following limits; that, is to say, bounded on the north
by a line drawn parallel with Baltimore street in the said city,
through a point one mile and an half due north from the centre
of Baltimore and Calvert-streets in the said city, and extending
eastwardly seven hundred perches from the said point to a pub-
lic road passing from the Philadelphia post road between the
dwellings of Amos Loney, Thomas Worthington, and others,
and westwardly six hundred and forty perches from the same
point, on the east, by a line binding on the east side of said road
to the Philadelphia post road, and from the Philadelphia post,
road by a straight line to the north-east corner of the Lazaretto
lot, including said lot, and then with the lines of said lot to the
Patapsco river, on the south by a line drawn from the Patapsco
river at the termination of the last mentioned line, to the most
southern part of Whitstone Point on the main branch of Patapsco
river, and running with and bounding on the said main branch,
excluding the land ceded to the United States on Whitstone Point
for the uses of a fort, to the place called the Ferry Point, being
the junction of the said main branch with the middle branch
aforesaid, and thence due west to the western side of the middle
branch aforesaid, and on the west by a line running from the ter-
mination of the last mentioned line on the western shore of the
middle branch, and binding on the said shore, to the mouth of
Gwinn's Falls, thence up and with the southwest side of Gwinn's
Falls to a point opposite to the mouth of Gwinn's Run, thence
with a straight course to the mouth of Gwinn's Run, and thence
with a straight line to the end of the afore-mentioned six hundred
and forty perch line, and said lines shall be run according to the
true meridian and by horizontal measurement; and the said
commissioners shall lay out upon the whole ground contained
within the said boundaries, all such streets, lanes and alleys, as
they shall deem proper and convenient, and cause the same and
the limits aforesaid, to be marked with so many and such dura-
ble land marks, as they shall think necessary, and return plots
of such survey and location, with proper explanations, to the re-
gister of the city of Baltimore, and the clerk of Baltimore
county court, to be by them respectively filed and preserv-
ed as other records of their offices: and all that part of Baltimore
county within said limits, and not within the city, shall be called
and considered the Precincts of the city of Baltimore; that part
of which situated on the cast of Jones's Falls and the north west