Dec. Ses. 1816
quith-street, shall, together with John Hillen and William Ross,
or a majority of them, execute the powers and duties vested in
them by the said law, and shall open and extend said street from
John Murray's house, on the Belle-Air road, to intersect the old
Harford road, in such direction as shall in their judgment best
promote the public convenience with the least private injury, and
return a plot thereof as required by the said act.
Passed Feb. 3
Roads to be
surveyed and
laid out anew.
Lots to be sur-
Streets to be
laid out.
Summons may
issue for per-
sons to ascer-
tain extent of
lots, &c.
An act supplementary to an act, entitled, An act to provide
for the appointment of Commissioners for the regulation
and improvement of Salisbury, in Somerset and Wor-
cester Counties.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Esme M. Waller, Handy II. Irving, Jehu Parsons, John
Huston, Levin Dorman, sen. and Thomas Humphreys, or a ma-
jority of them, are hereby appointed commissioners to survey,
alter, amend and lay out anew, that part of the county road di-
viding Somerset and Worcester counties, and situated in the town
of Salisbury, and the other county roads situated in the said
town, as near to their original location as the nature of the case
will allow, provided such alteration be made with the consent of
three fourths of the proprietors of the houses and lots adjacent
to the said county road or roads, and when the said road or roads
are so surveyed, altered, amended and laid out anew, and the said
commissioners make out and return a plot or plots of the said
road or roads to the clerk of Somerset county court, to be re-
corded among the records of said county, the said roads shall
forever thereafter be deemed public highways.
2. And be it enacted, That the commissioners aforesaid, or a
majority of them, are hereby authorised and empowered, to cause
a correct survey of the lots in that part of the said town hereto-
fore located, to be made according to the original location thereof.
3. Provided always, and it is hereby enacted, That the said
commissioners are authorised to re-locate and lay out anew, so
much of said town as was heretofore located, as agreeably to the
original location as the same will admit of, deviating therefrom
when the said commissioners, or a majority of them, shall adjudge
it. absolutely necessary, provided such new location meets with
the consent of the proprietors of the respective lot or lots so laid
out anew.
4. And be it enacted, That the said commissioners, or a majori-
ty of them, are hereby authorised and empowered, to survey and
lay off lots and streets in that part of said town not heretofore
located and laid out.
5. And be it enacted, That the said commissioners', or any four
of them, are hereby authorised and required, having first given
ten days notice of the time and place of their meeting, to issue
summons for such persons as may be applied for by any of the pro-
prietors aforesaid, who are hereby required to attend under the
penalty of three dollars current money for every neglect or refu-
sal, and to examine them upon oath, or affirmation, touching
and concerning their knowledge of the bounds, limits and ex-