Dec. Ses. 1816
President, &c.
to enter upon
all lands they
may deem pro-
per for a rail-
To erect
Damages to be
Company may
farm let tolls
and duties.
Accounts to be
kept and sub-
mitted to a
meeting of the
clerks, officers and servants, that they may deem necessary, and
to dispose of the funds and credits of the said company, and to
direct its affairs, in all respects for the benefit of the stockholders.
11. And be it enacted, That it may be lawful for the said pre-
sident and managers, superintendants, surveyors, engineers, ar-
tists or chain-bearers, to enter into and upon all and every the
lands and enclosures in and through and over which a rail road
may be thought proper to pass, and also to survey, lay down,
ascertain, mark and fix, such routs or tracts for the same, as in
the best of their skill and judgment will combine shortness of
distance with the most practicable ground whereon the said road
shall pass.
12. And be it enacted, That the said company shall have pow-
er to erect bridges over all sinks, gullies and water courses,
whereon the same shall be found necessary, and cause a road to
be laid out not exceeding sixty feet in width.
13. And be it enacted, That if any rail road shall be founded
and laid out over and upon any land, whereby the owner or
owners thereof may suffer damages, the person or persons sus-
taining such damages may make application to the judges of the
county court, or in the recess thereof to any judge, thereof,
where such damages have been committed and claimed, and there-
upon the court or judge shall direct five disinterested freeholders,
who shall view the same, whose duty it shall be to take into con-
sideration the benefits and advantages that will be derived to the
owner of the said land from the road passing through the name,
and assess the damages accordingly; and the said appraisers
shall make out a certificate, upon oath, of the amount of dama-
ges by them assessed, and make return thereof to the said court
or judge who shall have issued the order, which said court or
judge shall direct the same to he recorded, to be and remain as
evidence of the debt to be paid by the said company to the per-
son entitled to receive the same; Provided nevertheless, if any
person through whose lands the said road may be located, shall
consider himself or herself aggrieved by the valuation of the said
appraisers, he or she, and if through lands belonging to minors,
the parents or guardians of said minors, by filing objections in
writing in the county court of Somerset, may and are hereby
empowered to stop all proceedings under this act, until the end
of the next annual regular session of the legislature.
14. And be it enacted, That the president and managers of the
company shall and may be, and they are hereby authorised and
empowered, to grant, demise and farm-let, the tolls and duties
which they by this act, or their own by-laws, are authorised to
demand and receive.
15. And be it enacted, That the president and managers shall
keep fair and just accounts of all monies which shall have been
received by them from the subscribers or stockholders of the said
company, and also a fair and just account of all monies by them
expended in the prosecution of their works, and all contingent
expenses of every nature whatsoever relative to carrying on the
same, and shall at least once in every year submit such accounts to
a meeting of the stockholders, for that purpose to be convened by
public notice, and if upon such liquidation it shall be found that the