Dec. Ses. 1816
Authorised to
sell a house and
Bond to be de-
posited in or-
phans court.
To make a
is insufficient to pay his debts; and it is desirable to cell a part of
his real estate for that purpose, therefore,
Sec. 1. lit it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Mary Comegys, the widow and surviving executrix of the
said Samuel Comegys, is hereby authorised and empowered, to sell
a house and lot in Chester-town, in Kent county, part of the real
estate of the said Samuel Comegys, for cash, or on such credit as
shall be approved of by the justices of the orphans court for
said county, she having first given her bond to the state of Mary-
land, with such penalty and security as the justices of the orphans
court aforesaid shall approve of, conditioned for the faithful ap-
plication of the purchase money, after deducing such expenses
and commissions as shall be allowed by the justices of the orphans
court aforesaid, to the payment of the debts of the said Samuel
Comegys that remain unsatisfied after the final settlement of his
personal estate, and are allowed by the justices of the orphans
court aforesaid, and to the payment of the balance, (if any) after
satisfying all the debts to the representatives of the said Samuel
Comegys in their due proportions.
2. And be it enacted, That the aforesaid bond shall be depo-
sited in the orphans court for Kent county, and it shall be the du-
ty of the said Mary Comegys to account to the justices of the
said court lor the purchase money of the said house and lot, and
if she does not settle a final account thereof, and pay the balance
to whom it may be due, within one year after the purchase money
becomes due, then the said bond may be put in suit for the use of
the creditors or representatives and heirs of the said Samuel
3. And be it enacted, That the said Mary Comegys is hereby
empowered, after the purchase money is paid, to make a deed for
the said house and lot, to the purchaser or purchasers, his or their
heirs and assigns for ever; which deed, when recorded according
to law, shall be conclusive and binding against the representa-
tives and heirs of the said Samuel Comegys, and all other persons
claiming, or to claim by or under him or them, or any of them.
Passed Feb. 3.
Company to
be incorpo-
Capital stock.
to be opened.
An act for the encouragement of Internal Improvement
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
a company be called and known by the title of The Rail Road
Company of Somerset, shall be incorporated and established in
the said county.
2. And be it enacted, That the capital of the said company
shall he twenty thousand dollars, money of the United States, to
consist of two thousand shares of ten dollars each.
3. And be it enacted, That a subscription for the said capital
shall he opened in the town of Princess-Anne, under the direction
of Robert Jenkins King, Benjamin James Handy, Zadock Long,
John Stewart, Francis Waters, William Fleming, Stephen Di-
sharoon, Jesse Whinright, Littleton Dennis Teakle, John Done,
James Wilson, and Gideon Pearce, Esquires, or any two or more
of them, on the second Monday of March next, at 9 A. M. and
continue open till 3 P. M. but if the subscription shall not be