Dec. Ses. 1816.
— in case in-
fant. &c. is en-
titled to any
part, how to
be paid.
Trustee to ex-
ecute convey-
and the balance divided among the stockholders in proportion to
their respective interests therein.
3. And be it enacted, That in case any infant, feme covert, or
person non compos mentis, shall be entitled to receive any part of
the said proceeds, in such case the trustee or trustees shall pay
over such proportion of the proceeds aforesaid as the said in-
fant, feme covert, or person non compos mentis, may be entitled
to, under and by the order of the orphans court of Baltimore coun-
ty, to such person or persons as may be legally entitled to re-
ceive the same, for and on behalf of such incompetent person.
4... And be it enacted, That the said trustee or trustees, or the
survivor of them, shall upon the payment of the whole of the pur-
chase money, execute and deliver a good and sufficient convey-
ance of the lot of ground, premises, improvements and appurte-
nances, now vested in, and held by, the trustees, on behalf of
the subscribers to the Baltimore Dancing Assembly Rooms.
Passed Jan. 30
Levy for the
support of the
Levy courts
may borrow
chapter 192.
An act for the temporary relief of the Poor in the several
Counties in this State.
Whereas in the course of Providential dispensation, this state
has been visited by the awful calamity of a scarcity of grain, and
from a similar calamity the price of grain has been greatly aug-
mented in other countries, so as to induce a well grounded appre-
hension that the poorer citizens may suffer for want of this in-
dispensible article of food: And whereas, it is the duty of all
wise and good governments to mitigate the sufferings of its citi-
zens as far as is practicable; Therefore,
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the levy courts of the several counties of this state he and
they are hereby authorised and empowered, to assemble as soon
and at such time or times, as they may think requisite, and to levy
such sums of money on the assessable property of their res-
pective counties, as they may deem requisite, to grant relief to
the poor of their several counties, whom they may believe to be in
absolute need of such aid, by allowing to all such persons, as out-
pensioners of the poor-houses of their respective counties, such
sums of money, not exceeding thirty dollars each, as they may,
under all circumstances, deem best calculated to relieve them from
2. And be it enacted, That said levy courts be and they are
hereby authorised to borrow such sum as they think requi-
site, for the purposes aforesaid, or to appropriate any surplus or
any unappropriated funds in the hands of the collectors of their
respective counties to the immediate execution of the objects in-
tended to be obtained by this act, and the several county collec-
tors be and they are hereby directed to collect all sum or sums
of money which may be levied by the levy courts by virtue of
this act, in the same manner as they are or may be authorised to
collect any other sum or sums of money levied by the levy courts
of their respective counties.
3. And be it enacted, That this act shall be and continue, in force
until the end of the next session of the general assembly, and no