Dec. Ses. 1816
Supervisor not
to work with
less than five
Court to keep
bridges in re-
— to appoint
to lay out
roads, Etc.
Plot of the
same to be re-
Damages to be
perform the duties required by this act: and that the person or
persons applying for such alteration shall pay all damages, costs
and charges, that shall or may arise from making such alteration ;
And provided always, that it shall not be lawful to shut up, stop
or obstruct, any road so altered or changed, before the now road
shall be made and perfected, and received by the levy court of
Worcester county.
14. And be it enacted, That no supervisor shall proceed to
work on any public road with a less number of able bodied
labourers than five, unless it be for removing some fallen tree
or trees, or other obstructions, repairing bridges or washes, on
forfeiture of his wages for the time that a less number shall be
employed by him as such.
15. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the levy
court of said county, and they are hereby directed, to keep up
the necessary repairs of all framed bridges in said county as they
have heretofore been kept up.
16. And be it enacted, That the justices of the levy court of
Worcester county be, and they are hereby authorised and em-
powered, on application in writing, signed by a majority of the,
inhabitants of any neighbourhood through which any road so
prayed for may pass, shall appoint not more than five nor lens
than three commissioners, who shall be freeholders, and judicious
men of said county, not related to the party applying for such
road, nor holding land through which the said road shall be
opened, and they, or a majority of them, shall, proceed to lay out
the road so as aforesaid ordered by the said levy court to be open-
ed, in the manner and width that the levy court shall have direct-
ed, as well as the nature of the ground and other circumstances
will admit, provided the levy court shall be satisfied that thirty
days previous notice has been given by advertisement, set up at
the court-house door in said county, also in the neighbourhood
where the said road is intended to run, describing the same.
17. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the said
commissioners, so as aforesaid appointed by the levy court of
said county, or a majority of them, to cause a plot and certificate
of said road so opened, to be made and returned to the levy
court of said county, whereupon it shall be lawful for, and the
said levy court are hereby enjoined, to levy upon the assessable
property of the said county, a sum of money such as they may
deem necessary for opening the said road, agreeably to the plot
and certificate aforesaid; and the said road, when so opened,
shall he, and the same is hereby declared to be, for ever thereaf-
ter, a public road, and shall be in repair as other public roads
18. And be it enacted, That the commissioners, or a majority of
them, shall value and ascertain the damages that may be sustain-
ed by each and every person through whose lands the said road
may pass, by opening of the same, taking into consideration the
advantages and disadvantages of the same; the damages so ascer-
tained shall he levied and collected as other county charges are,
and shall be paid over to the persons respectively through whose
lands the said mad shall pass; Provided, that no money levied
and collected for the purpose of discharging the damages afore-