Dec. Ses. 1816
Direction of
Privileges of
Banks authori-
sed to sub-
scribe for stock
pen in the month of November next following the election, to be
made agreeably to the mode prescribed as aforesaid, and upon the
first Monday of November in each and every year thereafter,
there shall be a new election for eight managers, who shall on
the second Monday of November, proceed to elect their presi-
dent; and the president and managers, thus annually elected,
shall have full power and authority to make, alter or repeal, by-
laws for their government; Provided always, that they are not
inconsistent with or repugnant to this act, and the laws of this
7. And be it enacted, That the president and managers in lo-
cating and laying the road contemplated by this act, shall be
and are hereby authorised, either to follow the present post-road
leading from Elkton to Havre-de-Grace, as far as they may deem
expedient, before they diverge off in a direction to the site of the
said bridge, or in any other manner they may think most advan-
tageous, taking into consideration all circumstances attending
the situation of the country generally.
8. And be it enacted, That said company shall he and are here-
by invested and clothed with all the privileges, rights, immuni-
ties and advantages, which are held and possessed by the turnpike
company incorporated by an act passed at November session
eighteen hundred and nine, entitled, An act to incorporate a com-
pany to make a turnpike road from near Ellicott's lower mills
towards George-Town, in the District of Columbia, to be govern-
ed by the same regulations as are therein prescribed, and entitled
to the same tolls, and every clause and provision of the said act,
relative to the road therein proposed to be made, so far as the.
tame are applicable and not inconsistent with this act.
9. And be it enacted, That the president and directors of the.
Susquehanna Bridge and Bank Company, and the President and
Directors of the Elkton Bank of Maryland, be and they are
hereby authorised and empowered to direct their respective pre-
sidents, in the respective names of said companies, to subscribe
for and take any number of shares in this stock they may think
most expedient, provided that they do not exceed the number of
two hundred shares for their respective institutions.
Passed Feb. 1.
An act to authorise Winbert Tschudy to erect a Dam and
cut a Mill-Race on and through the lands therein men-
Whereas it is represented to this general assembly, by the pe-
tition of Winbert Tschudy, of Queen-Anne's county, that he is
possessed of a valuable grist and merchant-mill on the Red Lyon
Branch in the upper part of said county, and that in order to
the improvement of the same it is necessary he should raise a
dam on the lauds the said Tschudy purchased of the heirs of
James Cosden. or on any other part of said branch, (that may
meet the approbation of the guardians to the. minors, together
with all other persons who may be injured by reason of erect-
ing said mill-dam) and cut a race in the best direction from
thence to his mill-house, through the lands of the heirs of James