Dec. Sess. 1816
To meet on the
first Monday
in June annu-
ally, &c.
To appoint
physicians, &c.
further have power and authority to appoint a secretary to their
board, and a treasurer for said hospital.
4. And be it enacted, That the said president, vice-president
and visitors, shall he and they are hereby authorised, for ever
after the said first Monday in June next, to meet and assemble at
such place in said hospital, or the city of Baltimore, as they may
designate, on the first Monday in every successive June thereaf-
ter, and in the same manner, as is herein before directed, elect
a president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer, as aforesaid ;
which said president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer,
shall hold, occupy and possess, their respective offices for one
year, and until other fit and proper persons shall he chosen and
elected in their respective places, according to such by-laws and
regulations as said president and visitors may make and appoint.
5. And be it enacted, That in case any of said persons, herein
before appointed visitors of said hospital, shall die, refuse to ac-
cept, resign, or remove from the city and precincts of Baltimore,
as they do now or hereafter may exist, that then the remaining
visitors aforesaid, or a majority of them, shall have power and
authority to meet at such place as they may agree upon, and
elect or choose, by ballot, fit and proper person or persons to
fill up such vacancy, which persons, so elected, shall be to all
intents and purposes vested with the same power, privileges and
authority, as is given to the persons herein before designated as
visitors aforesaid, and in whose place and stead they may be so
elected and chosen; and if after the election of president, vice-
president, secretary and treasurer, as is herein before first di-
rected, the said president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, or
any of said visitors, shall die, resign, remove from the city and
precincts of Baltimore as aforesaid, or in conformity to the by-
laws and regulations which said president and visitors may make
and ordain, he removed from their several respective places, then
an election shall be held to supply their places for the residue of
the term respectively, according to the rules, regulations and by-
laws which may he made therefor.
6. And be it enacted, That the said visitors, president, vice-pre-
sident, secretary and treasurer, before they proceed to exercise
any of the functions of their offices or appointments, shall take
an oath, or affirmation, as the case may be, faithfully and duly
to exercise their respective offices.
7. And be it enacted, That the said president and visitors shall
have, and they are hereby invested with, full power and authori-
ty to appoint such and so many physicians, surgeons, apotheca-
ries, superintendants, matrons, nurses and servants, or other
officers and persons for the administration and service of said
hospital, as they may deem requisite, who shall hold their ap-
pointments at the pleasure of the said president and visitors, and
to make, ordain, alter, amend and abolish, all by-laws, rules and
regulations, for the administration and government of said hospi-
tal, as they may deem beneficial and advantageous, provided
they admit into said hospital no person affected with any conta-
gious or infectious disease, but they may, in their discretion, build,
or cause to be built, a separate and distinct house or establish
ment, for such persons, on the lot aforesaid, provided they think