Dec. Sess.
Passed Dec.
14, 1815.
Acts con-
Levy court
and purposes, in the same manner that it would have been, if
the said George Klink had been fully naturalized agreeable to
the said laws, at the time of the said purchase, and when he re-
ceived his said deed; Provided always, That nothing in this
act contained shall in any manner defeat or effect any right title
or claim to the said property, or any part thereof, acquired or
prosecuted by any person or persons whatever before the pas-
sage of this act; And provided also, that the said George
Klink shall, within twelve months after he is capable of becom-
ing a citizen, naturalize himself agreeable to the laws of the
United States; but if the said George Klink should die before
he becomes naturalized, nothing in this proviso shall prevent
him from transmitting or transferring his said property, by
descent or devise to any person or persons, being a citizen or
citizens of the United States, and residing therein, capable in
law to hold the same,
An act to confirm the proceedings of the Levy Court of Fred-
erick County, and for other purposes.
Sec. 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the sales of the lots of ground in Frederick
Town and all other acts and deeds relative thereto, made or
done by the levy court of Frederick county, be and they are
hereby confirmed, and made as good and valid to ail intents
and purposes as if they had been made pursuant to the direc-
tion of the act entitled, an act for the erection of a new gaol
in Frederick county, and for other purposes,
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the levy court of Fred-
erick county aforesaid be, and they are hereby authorised and
empowered, to lay off into lots, and the same to dispose of at
public sale, all such part or parts of the lot of ground on
which the new gaol is now erected, as in their judgment may
be unnecessary to be retained for public purposes, and the
same to convey by deed or deeds of bargain and sale, and the
money arising from the sale thereof to be applied towards the
erection of a wall around said gaol.
Passed Dec.
15, 1815.
An act to authorise the drawing of a Lottery in Sharpsburgh,
for the purpose of purchasing a fire engine.
Sec. 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That it shall and may be lawful for George Smith,
John Miller, Philip Grove, Jacob Miller, and Matthias Spong,
or a majority of them, to propose a scheme of a lottery or lot-
teries, for raising a sum of money not exceeding one thousand
dollars, and sell and dispose of the tickets in said lottery, and
they are hereby authorised to draw said lottery; Provided,
that the said George Smith, John Miller, Philip Groye, Jacob
Miller and Matthias Spong, or such majority of them as shall
undertake to act under this law, shall before the sale or dispo-
sal of any ticket or tickets in said lottery or lotteries, give