Dec. Sess.
May extend.
. respectively; and they shall apportion such damages on the
property benefitted in the Eastern Precincts of Baltimore.
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the damages assessed
under this act shall be paid by the person benefitted by opening
said street, and shall be paid to and called by the sheriff of Bal-
timore county, in the same manner as the taxes of said county
are collected.
. 3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the commissioners afore-
said be, and they are hereby authorised to open and extend
Aisquith street in the exact direction it now has in the city of
Baltimore, northwardly until it shall intersect the old Harford
road; and they shall return a plot of that part of said street so
opened and extended to the clerk of Baltimore county to be filed
in his office.
Passed Jan.
29, 1816.
Made valid.
An act to make valid the proceedings of the orphans' court of
Queen Ann's county.
Sec. 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the acts and proceedings of the orphans' court
of Queen Ann's county from the fourth day of December eigh-
teen hundred and fifteen, to the present time, be, and the same
are hereby rendered as legal and valid as if a Register of Wills
for said county had been in commission since that period.
Passed Jan.
29, 1816.
Treasurer to
An act for the payment of the journal of accounts.
WHEREAS, it appears by the journal of accounts of this
session, that there is due from this state the sum of twenty-nine
thousand seven hundred and fifty four dollars and thirty
cents —Therefore,
Sec. 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the treasurer of the Western Shore shall, and
he is hereby authorised and required to pay the several persons,
their executors, administrators, assigns or order, or to such of
them as shall offer to receive the same, the several sums of
current money allowed to them respectively, as they may ap-
pear to be settled and ascertained by the said journal of ac-
counts out of any money now in the treasury, or that shall come
into the treasury subject to the appropriation of the General
Passed Jan.
29, 1816.
Acts contin-
An act to continue in force the acts of Assembly which would
expire with the present session.
Sec. 1. BE IT ENACTED By the General Assembly of
Maryland, That all such acts ana parts of acts of assembly as
would expire with the present session, except a further supple-
ment to the act entitled, an act for regulating the mode of stay-
ing executions and repealing the acts of assembly therein men-
tioned, and for other purposes, be, and the same are hereby con-
tinued until the twentieth day of November next, and until the
end of the next session, of assembly which shall happen
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