Dec. Sess.
to choose—
thus named shall name a fifth, neither of whom shall be an in-
habitant of the city of Baltimore, or the precincts thereof, or seiz-
ed or possessed of real property within said city or precincts; &
that the five persons thus named shall forthwith proceed to as
sess and value what damages have been or shall be sustained
[by the said corporation, or any person or persons have sustain-
ed,*] or shall sustain by reason of extending or wharfing out the
said lots, taking all benefits and advantages into consideration,
and shall also declare what sum of money each individual bene-
fitted thereby, shall contribute and pay towards compensating
the said corporation, or any person or persons injured by ex-
tending and wharfing out the said lots, and shall make their
award under their hands and seals, or the hands and seals of
any three or more of them, stating the amount of the injury-
suffered or to be suffered as aforesaid, and by whom, and the
name of the person or persons benefitted as aforesaid, and the
sums of money which they shall respectively be obliged to con-
tribute and pay as aforesaid, and to whom, and when, and shall
return their said award to the register of the said city of Balti-
more, to be filed and kept in his office; and the person or persons
benefitted and assessed as aforesaid, shall pay the sum or sums
respectively so charged and assessed to them, with interest
thereon from the time so fixed for the payment, in default of
which an action or notions may be had and maintained on the
said award in Baltimore county court for the recovery of the said
gum or sums respectively.
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said five persons
shall have full power and authority, and they are hereby requir-
ed to determine whether the said corporation instead of being
injured by reason of expending and wharfing out those lots in
the manner they are to be done, taking all circumstances into
consideration are not benefitted thereby, and if so to what amount,
which sum the Mayor and city Council shall cause to be paid
to Christopher Hughes, the proprietor of said lots, his execu-
tors, administrators or assigns within six months from the time
the said award shall be filed with the said Register.
3. AND BE IT ENACTED; That it the said Christopher
Hughes, or in case of his death, the person or persons claiming
from or under him as aforesaid, shall refuse or neglect to choose
two persons as by this act is provided, within ten days after he
shall be notified by the said Mayor of the choice of two persons
by him as aforesaid, it shall be then lawful for the sheriff of Bal-
timore county, and he is hereby authorised and required, on
the application of the said Mayor, and proof of such refusal or
neglect to proceed within one month after such application and
proof, to summon not less than twenty three freeholders of Bal-
timore county, not being residents of the said city or precincts,
or seized or possessed of real property within said city, or pre-
cincts, and not interested in the premises, any twelve of whom,
being first sworn to assess and value what damages have been,
or shall be sustained by any person, or by the said corporation by
reason of extending and wharfing out the said lots, taking all-
benefits and inconveniences into consideration, shall proceed to
assess and value what damages have been, or may be sustained
by the said corporation, or by any person or persons whomsoever,
by reason of extending and wharfing out the said lots, and shall
also declare what sum of money each individual benefitted there-
by, shall respectively contribute and pay towards compensating
* These words appear in the original but are omitted in the engrossed bill.