Dec. Sess.
Passed Jan.
21, 1816.
May sell.—
May sell.—
Street may
be extended
An act relating to the Rector and Trustees of the Roman Cath-
olic Church of St. Peter in the City of Baltimore.
Sec. 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the Reverend Enoch Fenwick and his heirs
under the direction, and with the consent and approbation of
the trustees of the Roman Catholic Church in the town of Bal-
timore, shall have full power and authority and he or they is or
are hereby authorised and empowered to sell and dispose of all
that lot or parcel of ground devised to him, by the will of the
late most Reverend Archbishop Carroll, and upon the sale
thereof to make it good and sufficient deed of conveyance to
the purchaser or purchasers thereof, and to appropriate and ap-
ply the proceeds of the sales thereof towards the building and
completion of the Roman Catholic Cathedral now erecting in
the precincts of Baltimore.
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the trustees, of the Ro-
man Catholic Church in the town of Baltimore be, and they
are hereby authorised and empowered, to convey and secure
by a good and sufficient deed of conveyance, to the most Rev-
erend Leonard Neale the present archbishop, and his successors
in the archiepiscopal see forever according to the discipline and
government of the Roman Catholic Church, all that lot of
ground beginning for the same at the north west intersection
of Charles and Mulberry streets, and running northwardly,
bounding on Charles street, one hundred and eighty two feet
to a public alley, thence westwardly, parallel with Mulberry
street and bounding on said alley eighty feet, thence southward-
ly parallel with Charles street, one hundred and eighty two
feet to Mulberry street, and thence with a straight line to the
beginning, being part of what is commonly called the Cathe-
dral lot, with its appurtenances, to be exclusively held, used,
occupied and enjoyed by the said archbishop and his success-
ors, in the archiepiscopal see, as a dwelling and place of resi-
dence for themselves and the officiating clergyman of the church
in the town of Baltimore acting under them.
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said trustees of the
Roman Catholic Church in the town of Baltimore be, and they
are hereby authorised and empowered to sell and dispose of all
the right title and interest which Robert Sinclair had in and to
all that lot or parcel of ground, situated in the precincts of the
city of Baltimore aforesaid, and which was heretofore or in-
tended to be leased to the said trustees by the said Robert Sin-
clair, by indenture of lease bearing date the eleventh day of
June in the year one thousand eight hundred and five, except
so much as the said trustees may have already assigned or dis-
posed of; and upon the sale thereof or any part thereof, to make
good and sufficient deeds of conveyance or assignments to the
purchaser or purchasers, and to appropriate and apply the pro-
ceeds of the sales thereof towards the completion and finish-
ing of the Cathedral now erecting in the precincts of Balti-
4. AND BE IT ENACTED, That Robert Walsh, Henry
Payson, William Lorman, John Hillen and Nathaniel F. Wil-
liams,, or a majority of them be, and they are hereby authorised
with the consent and not otherwise, of all the proprietors of lots
bounding on both sides of North West street in the city of