Dec. Sess.
of commissi-
oners, &c.
Washington county shall appoint one or more as the
case may be, to supply such vacancy.
6. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the commissi-
oners acting in virtue of this law, shall each of them have
and receive from the levy court aforesaid, two dollars for
each day they shall be actually employed about the said
road; and the levy court aforesaid shall make a reason-
able allowance for the surveyor and chain carriers to be
employed by the said commissioners in laying out the
said road.
Passed Jan.
9, 1815.
An act to lay out and make public a road in Frederick
SEC. 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That Nicholas Holtz, Isaac Mantz, Ro-
bert McPherson, Valentine Buckey, and David Buckey,
be, and they are hereby appointed commissioners, and
they or a majority of them are hereby authorised to lay
out, make public, widen and straighten, at the expence
of the petitioners, or such of them as may be willing to
contribute thereto, the road now leading from George
Shafer's to Bartgis's paper mill, and thence to Brown's,
on the west side of the Catoctin mountain, and thence by
Delawter's mill till it intersects the new cut road from
Frederick Town to Hughes's coaling ground, so as to dp
as little injury as possible to the lands through which it
passes; Provided, that the said road shall not pass
through any houses, gardens, orchards or meadows, with-
out the concent of the owners thereof; and that the said
road when so laid out and completed, shall be recorded
among the land records of said county, and be thereaf-
ter deemed and taken to be a public road, and shall be
kept in repair as other roads in said county are direc-
ted to be.
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the commission-
ers aforesaid, or a majority of them, shall value and as-
certain the damages that may be sustained by any per-
son or persons through whose land the said road may
pass, by opening and making the same, and the damages
to ascertained, shall be paid over to the person or persons
entitled to the same, before the said road shall be record-
ed or considered to be a public road.
ers shall take
an oath.
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said com-
missioners, or a majority of them, before they proceed to
act, shall each take an oath before some justice of the
peace, that he will, without favor, affection, prejudice or
partiality, assess the damages sustained by the person or
persons through whose land the said road shall pass; Pro-
vided, that no person or persons through whose land the
said road shall pass, and who has signed the petition lor
the same, shall be entitled to any damages by virtue of
this act.