Dec. Sess.
said company, but the whole of the said capital stock,
together with all property, right and credits, belonging
to the said institution and nothing more, shall at all times
be answerable for the demands against the company.
Sum to be re-
served for re-
pairs, &c.
11. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the president
and directors or a majority of them, so soon as the pro-
gress of the work and the state of the funds will permit,
shall make, declare and pay to the stockholders or their
legal representatives, yearly dividends at certain stated
times on the stock of the company, reserving however,
out of the income of the company's property, such sum
annually as they shall judge necessary or prudent, for
repairs, augmentations and contingencies.
Rights, &c.—
12. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the original sub-
scribers to this association, and the assignees, transferees,
and legal representatives of all such, original subscribers
forever, shall be taken and deemed to all intents and
purposes, to be members of the company, and shall be
entitled to all the rights, benefits and advantages to arise
in any manner therefrom, or from the property, works
and Capital stock thereof, in proportion to the amount of
their stock and interest respectively; Provided, that no
transfer or assignments of the said stock shall be valid,
unless it be made on the books of the company and in
such manner as the president and directors or a majority
of them shall appoint, and every person or persons hav-
ing so transferred or assigned the whole of his, her or their
interests and stock in the company, shall thereafter cease
to be a member or members of the said company to all
intents and purposes.
Passed Feb. 1,
An act annulling the marriage of James W. James, alias .
James Weeks, late of the city of Baltimore, and Mary.
Ann James.
SEC. 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General Assembly,
of Maryland, That the marriage of said James W.
James alias James Weeks, late of the city of Baltimore,
and Mary Ann Button, heretofore solemnized, be, and
the same is hereby declared to be absolutely, to all in-
tents and purposes, null and void; and the said James
W. James alias James Weeks, and Mary Ann James,
are declared to be divorced a vinculo matrimonii; Provi-
ded nevertheless, That nothing in this act contained shall
be construed to illegitimate any issue born of the said
James W. James alias James Weeks and Mary Ann
James, any law to the contrary notwithstanding.
Passed Feb. 1
Five persons
may act.
A supplement to an act entitled, an act to incorporate a
company to open the navigation of Zachia Run.
SEC. 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General Assembly,
of Maryland, That any five of the persons named as