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Session Laws, 1814
Volume 633, Page 104   View pdf image
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day in October in every year thereafter said company
shall meet for the same purpose at such place as the pre-
sident and managers shall appoint; and in all elections
by stockholders, each share shall he entitled to one vote,
but no person or company shall have more than twenty
five votes.

Style— effect
in law.

4. AND BE IT EN ACTED, That the stockholders
in said company shall be, and they are hereby created and
erected into a body politic and corporate, by the name and
style of the Emmittsburg turnpike company, and by the
same name shall have perpetual succession, and all the
privileges and franchises incident to a corporation; and
shall be capable of suing and being sued, answering and
being answered, and of enlarging their stock by new
subscriptions, if the same shall be found necessary.

power as to the
point of com-


5. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said company
shall open the said road from a point on the turnpike road
leading from Westminster through Harman's Gap to
Hager's Town, at or near the great bend of Big-Pipe
creek, below the mouth of Koon's run, or, in case the
said Westminster and Hager's Town turnpike shall not
be located and made so, as to render a junction or inter-
section there eligible in the opinion of the President
and Managers of the company incorporated by this act
or a majority of them, then the said road shall be opened
and made from such other point or part of said road as
may be found most suitable, (provided the distance to
Baltimore shall be lessened thereby,) in the nearest and
best direction, having regard to the nature of the country
or ground and eligible places for bridges over the streams
to be crossed, avoiding Piney creek sixty feet wide, to
Emmitsburg, and shall cause eighteen feet in width, to be
bedded with stone, gravel or other materials, and erect
and keep up bridges over the streams crossing the same.
And whenever five miles of the said road shall be perfec-
ted, said company shall be entitled to receive tolls. And
in ease the company incorporated by an act of assembly
passed at December session eighteen hundred and thir-
teen, for the purpose of making a turnpike road from
Westminster, through Taney Town to Troup's tavern
in Emmittsburg shall not have commenced the said road
within two years after the passage of this act, or having
commenced the same, shall not have completed it within
six years after the passage of this act, then the company
incorporated by this act shall and may continue the road
hereby authorised to be made, from the point at which
the said road shall enter the town of Emmittsburg
through the main street thereof to Troop's tavern.

Right and

6. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said com-
pany shall be, and they are hereby clothed with all the
privileges, rights, immunities and advantages which are
held and possed by the turnpike companies incorporated

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Session Laws, 1814
Volume 633, Page 104   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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