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Session Laws, 1814
Volume 633, Page 102   View pdf image
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said John Meeds and Elizabeth Meeds, any law to the
contrary notwithstanding.

Passed Jan. 26,


An act relinquishing the right of the state of Maryland,
in a tract of land Called M'Lean's Recovery, in Balti-

more county to George Grundy of the City of Balti-

Right relin-

SEC. 1. BE IT ENACTED By the General Assembly
of Maryland , That all the estate, right, title and interest
of the state of Maryland, of, in and to the tract of land
called M'Leans' Recovery, situated in Baltimore county,
for which a patent was issued in the name of Henry Har-
ford, to Azariah M'Lean, bearing date on the twenty se-
venth day of November, in the year seventeen hundred
and seventy six, which land is described by courses and
distances in the said patent, and is said to contain sixty
five acres of land, more or less, be and the same is here-
by relinquished unto and vested in George Grundy of
the city of Baltimore, to hold the same to him, his heirs
and assigns forever, in as ample and benificial manner,
as if the said patent had been regularly and rightfully


Passed Jan.
25, 1815.

An act to incorporate, a company to make a Turnpike
Road from the turnpike leading from Westminster
through Harman's Gap to Hager's Town, to Emmits-
burg in Frederick county.


SEC. 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That a company be incorporated for ma-
king a turnpike road beginning at a point on the turn-
pike road leading from Westminster through Harman's
Gap to Hager's town, to be designated in the manner
herein after directed, and running in the nearest and best
direction to Emmittsburg.

Books shall
be opened—
under whose
direction &c.

2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That subscription
books be opened for a capital stock of thirty thousand
dollars, in shares of twenty dollars each, and that sub-
scriptions betaken in Emmittsburg for twenty thousand
dollars under the direction of Robert L. Annan, William
Emmitt, Patrick Reed, Philip Troup, Jacob Troxel, (of
John) George M. Eichelberger and George Troxel; for
eight thousand dollars at Cloud's Tavern on Big Pipe
creek, under the direction of Joshua Delaplane, Jacob
Biggs, Benjamin Biggs, John Ross Key, John Shorb,
John Scott and Upton S. Reid; and for two thousand
dollars, at Mechanics Town under the direction of John
Stewart, Samuel Ogle and John Leatherman, who are
hereby appointed commissioners for the purposes afore-
gaid; who shall on or before the second Monday in May
next, procure books and in each enter as follows to wit :
"We whose names are hereunto subscribed, de promise to

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Session Laws, 1814
Volume 633, Page 102   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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