torney in virtue of which any such deed or conveyance
shall be acknowledged, shall be proved by the oath or
affirmation (as the case may be) of the subscribing wit-
nesses to the same or any of them, in the county court
of the county where the land or estate intended to be
conveyed or the use thereof limitted or declared doth lie,
or before two justices of the peace of such county, or be-
fore any one of the judges of some one of the judi-
cial districts of this state; or such letter of attorney may
be proved as aforesaid before the governor or chief ma-
gistrate, mayor of some corporation, a notary public, a
court of justice, or judge or justice thereof of the state,
place or county where any such letter of attorney shall
nave been executed; and if the same shall be proved be-
fore a governor or chief magistrate, mayor, notary pub-
lic, court of justice, or judge or justice thereof of the
state, place or county when the same shall have been
executed, then the said oath or affirmation, (as the case
may be,) shall be certified under the hand of the govern-
or or chief magistrate, and the seal of the state, place or
county when taken before a governor or chief magis-
trate; or under the hand of the mayor and seal of the
corporation when taken before a mayor; or under the
notarial seal when taken before a notary public or under
the seal of the court of justice, when taken before a
court; or under the hand of the judge or justice, and the
seal of the court of which he is judge or justice when
taken before a judge or justice; which said letter of at-
torney so proved shall he deemed adjudged and taken as
good and sufficient evidence of the execution thereof to
authorise the county court of the county where the land
or estate intended to be conveyed, or the use thereof
limitted or declared doth lie, or two justices of the peace
of such county, or any one of the judges of some one of
the judicial districts of this state to take the acknow-
ledgment of any such deed or conveyance in virtue of
such letter of attorney.
Dec. Sess.
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the letter of at-
torney in virtue of which any such deed or conveyance
shall be acknowledged and the proof of its execution
shall together with the deed or conveyance be recorded
either in the records of the court of Appeals of the shore,
or of the county court of the county where the land or
estate intended to be conveyed or the use thereof limitted
or declared doth lie, within the time prescribed by the act
entitled, a further additional supplementary act to the act
to which this is also a further additional supplementary
act, passed at November session one thousand seven
hundred and ninety eight.
Letters of
attorney, &c.
to be recorded.
4. AND BE IT ENACTED, That whenever any
deed or deeds of conveyance for lands lying partly in
one county, and partly in another, have been duly re-
corded in one of said counties, such deed or deeds of
Deeds for
lands lying in
two counties,
shall be lawful
when recorded
in one.