Dec. Sess.
least ten days before the Hay of sale at the court house
door of the county, and at least two other public places
most convenient to such good a or chattels; and in the
case of the sale of negro slaves such advertisement shall
also be published before the day of sale in some newspa-
per having circulation in the county; and in the ease of
the sale of lands or tenements notice thereof shall be
given by advertisement set up at least twenty days be-
fore the day of sale at the court house door of the coun-
ty, and at other public places in the county in which the
lands or tenements shall lie, and also published before
the day of sale in some newspaper having a general cir-
culation in the county.
Sheriffs hav-
ing lawfully
arrested under
writs of attach-
ment, &c. and
dying before
return day,
persons hav-
ing been taken
in execution
to be again ar-
rested on ap-
plication of
8. AND BE IT ENACTED, That in case any she-
riff or coroner shall have lawfully arrested or taken in
execution any person or persons in virtue of any writ of
attachment of capias ad respondendum, or of capias ad
satisfaciendum, and such sheriff or coroner shall die be-
fore the return day of any such writ, it shall and may be
lawful for the sheriff for the time being, or some other of
the coroners (as the case may be,) of the county, on the
application of the plaintiff in any such writ or his coun-
sel, and on producing to such sheriff or coroner as afore-
said, the writ under which the person or pet sons shall
have been arrested or taken in execution us aforesaid,
and such sheriff or coroner shall be authorised, and he is
hereby requited, again to arrest or take in execution un-
der and in virtue of any such writ, the person or persons
who may have been arrested or taken in execution as
aforesaid, in the same manner as if such person or per-
sons and not been before arrested or taken in execution
under any such writ.
Passed Jan.
14, 1814.
oners to lay
out and open
said roads. —
Width and di-
An act to layout and open two roads in Queen Anne's
Section 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General As-
sembly of Maryland, That John Hackett, Joseph Ro-
chester, James Brown, Joseph B. Sparks and Winbert
Tschudy be, and they are hereby appointed commission-
ers, and they or a majority of them are hereby authorised
and directed to lay out, mark and open at the expense of
the county, two roads not exceeding thirty feet wide, one
of said roads to begin at or near Doctor Whittington's
gate (on the road leading from Church-Hill to Chester-
Town) and thence to run in the best direction, and on the
most eligible ground to the lower Red Lion Mill, and
thence in the best direction to the public road leading to
the head of Chester. The other road to begin at the most
proper and convenient part of the new road above men-
tioned, and to pass by Double Creek Meeting-house in
the straightest and best direction to the road leading from
Church-Hill to the head of Chester, so as to do as little