Dec. Sess.
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said trustee
on the ratification of the said sale by the orphans' court
of said county, and on the receipt of the purchase mo-
ney shall by a good and sufficient deed duly executed
agreeably to law, grant, bargain, and sell, make over and
convey to the purchaser or purchasers thereof, and to his,
her and their heirs and assigns forever, all the right ti-
tle interest and estate of the heirs at law, and the repre-
sentatives of the said William Ringgold, of, in and to
the aforesaid land; Provided nevertheless, That the said
John Carvill Hynson Junr. before he proceeds to such
sale shall give bond payable to the state of Maryland, in
such penalty, and with such security as may be approved
of by the orphans' court aforesaid, which bond shall be
lodged with and recorded by the register of wills of said
county, conditioned for the faithful performance of the
trusts in him vested by this act, and for a compliance
with every part thereof.
Trustee shall
render an ac-
count of his
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said trustee
shall as soon as conveniently may be after such sale re-
turn a just and true account thereof to the said orphans
court, there to be recorded, and shall yearly and every
year render an account of his proceedings to the said
court, to be by them approved.
Proceeds of
4. AND BE IT ENACTED, That all monies arising
from the said sale shall be invested in such funds or
bank stock of the state of Maryland, bearing interest, as
the said orphans' court shall deem most for the benefit of
those concerned, and the interest or annual proceeds
thereof shall be equally appropriated to the maintenance
and education of the heirs and representatives of the
said William Ringgold, until they respectively arrive at
lawful age.
Trustee shall
account with
the heirs.
5. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said trustee on
the arrival at lawful age of the heirs, and immediate
representatives of the said William Ringgold, shall ac-
count with and pay to each respectively, their propor-
tions of the nett proceeds aforesaid.
Death of
heirs or any of
6. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the proceeds of
the said real estate shall revert and descend among the
legal representatives, and heirs of the said William Ring-
gold in case of their death, or the death of either of them
before their arrival at the aforesaid age, in the same man-
ner as the said real estate would have reverted and des-
cended, provided this act had not passed for the sale
Death of the
7. AND BE IT. ENACTED, that in case of the
death of the said trustee before the completion of his
aforesaid trust, the orphans' court aforesaid shall appoint
one or more trustees who are hereby invested, with full
power and authority to carry into effect the object and
provisions herein contained on giving such security for
the faithful performance of this trust as herein before is
directed to be given by the trustee aforesaid.