which passes through the land of Colonel Thomas Bow-
ie, as soon as the turnpike road contiguous to it shall
have been completed according to the provisions of the
act of Assembly to which this is a supplement.
Dec. Sess.
An act for the benefit of Thomas Ball, of Anne-Arun-
del county.
Section 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That the Levy Court of Anne Arun-
del county shall be, and they are hereby directed and
empowered at their levy court annually, so long as they
may gee cause so to do, to assess and levy on the assessa-
ble properly of said county, a sum of money not exeeed-
ing the sum of thirty dollars, for the support and main-
tenance of Thomas Batt, and that the same be collected
annually by the collector of Anne-Arundel county, and
paid by him, when so collected, to the said Thomas Ball,
or to his order.
Passed Jan.
19, 1814.
Thirty dollars
may be levied
for his mainte-
A supplement to the act entitled, an act to incorporate
a company to make a turnpike road from Elkton to
Christiana Bridge.
Passed Jan.
19, 1814.
Section 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General As-
sembly of Maryland, That the Elkton and Christianna
Turnpike Company shall be entitled to receive a propor-
tionate toll not more than one-fifth of the whole toll al-
lowed by law on the whole road, whenever two miles of
the said road East of the great Elk Creek shall be per-
fected, and receive toll in that proportion for every two
miles by said company perfected, whether the whole of
the road located be opened or not: Provided, he said com-
pany shall each and every year thereafter cause two miles
of said road to be perfected, any thing in the act incorpo-
rating the company to the contrary notwithstanding.
An act authorising the sale of the real estate of Ruth
Howard, deceased, wife of Thomas W. Howard, and
for other purposes.
Passed Jan.
15, 1814.
WHEREAS Thomas W. Howard, of Anne-Arun-
del county, hath set forth by his petition to this general
assembly, that he intermarried with a certain Ruth
Dorsey, who is since dead, leaving an only child called
Susan Ann Howard, who is a minor, to whom the real
estate of the said Ruth Howard hath descended subject
to a tenancy by the courtesy of the said Thomas W.
Howard, and praying that a law may pass for the sale of
the same, and to vest the proceeds thereof in such man-
ner as to be more productive for the benefit of the said
Thomas W. Howard and the said Susan Ann Howard