Dec. Sess.
note shall be made payable at the house of some person in
Williamsport, and notice given by the proper officer of
the Bank, at such house, that such note hath become
due, shall be, to all intents and purposes, hold and consi-
dered to be completely binding on the drawer and en-
dorsers, as if notice had been personally served on each
of them.
Power of the
President and
12. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the President
and and Directors for the time being, may make all rules,
orders, bye-laws and regulations, for the government of
the said corporation, its officers and servants, as they or
a majority of them, from time to time shall think fit, not
inconsistent with law, or the provisions of this act,; and
the same at pleasure to revise, alter and annul, and may
use, employ, and dispose of the funds, money and cre-
dit of the said Bank, as they, or a majority of them, may
deem expedient, subject however, to the restrictions and
limitations hereinafter mentioned; and the books, papers,
correspondence and funds of the corporation, shall at all
times be subject to the inspection of the board of direct-
Rules, &c.
13. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the following
rules, restrictions, limitations and provisions, shall form
and be the fundamental articles of the constitution of the
said corporation, to wit: — .
Art. 1. The number of votes to which each stock-
holder shall be entitled, shall be according to the number
of shares he or she shall hold, in the proportion follow-
ing, to wit: For one share, and not more than two
shares, one vote each; for every two shares above
two, and not exceeding ten, one vote; for every four
shares above ten, and not exceeding thirty, one vote;
tor every six shares above thirty, and not exceeding sixty,
one vote; for every eight shares above sixty, and not
exceeding one hundred, one vote; and for every ten shares
above one hundred, one vote; but no person, or body
politic, shall be entitled to a greater number than thirty
votes: and no share or shares shall confer a right of suf-
frage, which shall not have been holden two calendar
months previous to the day of election. Stock-holders
actually resident within the United States, and none
other, may vote at elections by proxy.
8. None but a stock holder, being a citizen of the Uni-
ted States, and residing within the State of Maryland,
except the directors appointed on the part of the state,
shall be eligible as a Director; and every Director shall
cease to be such, upon his ceasing to be a stock-holder,
or to reside in Washington county.
3. No Director of any other Bank, shall be a Director
of this Bank; nor shall any person be a Director in this
Bank, who is a partner in trade with a Director of any
other Bank; And provided always, That no rule or re-
gulation shall entitle a Director to obtain discounts on
terms different from those prescribed for other persons ;