Dec. Sess.
regard to hills and other obstructions, sixty feet wide,
and shall cause eighteen feet in width, to be bedded with
stone, gravel or other materials, and erect and keep up
bridges over the streams crossing the same; and whene-
ver five miles of the said road shall be perfected, said
company shall be entitled to receive tolls.
Road to he
commenced at
the discretion
of the com-
6. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the commis-
sioners appointed by this act at Taney-Town, and the
commissioners appointed at Emmittsburg or a majority
of them, may at their election, commence the making of
the said turnpike road at Union-Town in Frederick
county, instead of commencing the same at the turnpike
near Westminster, provided they may think it more
beneficial to the interest of the said company.
rights, immu-
nities and ad-
7. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said compa-
ny shall be, and are hereby clothed with all the privile-
ges, rights, immunities and advantages which are held
and possessed by the turnpike companies, incorporated
by an act paused at November session eighteen hundred
and four, entitled, an act to incorporate companies to
make several turnpike roads through Baltimore county
and for other purposes, to be governed by the same reg-
ulations as are therein, and entitled to the same tolls;
and every clause and provision of said act, relative to
the road therein proposed to be made, shall be in force
as relates to the road herein contemplated, so far as the
same are applicable, and not inconsistent with this act.
Passed Jan.
31, 1814.
ry power of
the company
may be exer-
cised in deter-
mining on the
direction of
said road, with
the same
rights, immu-
nities, &c.
An act for turnpiking the road from Baltimore to
Belle Air, and thence to the scite fixed upon for a
bridge over the river Susquehannah, near Rock Run.
Section 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General As-
sembly of Maryland, That if the president managers
and company of the Baltimore and Strasburg turnpike
road shall determine to take the same through, the town
of Belle-Air, in Harford county, which they are hereby
authorised to do, and in that case they are hereby em-
powered to extend a branch of said road from Belle Air
to the scite fixed upon for a bridge over the river Susque-
hannab near rock run with the like powers, immunities
and privileges, and subject to like limitations and duties
as are provided and imposed by the law creating said
company: and if the said company should decline so to
do, that then it shall and may be lawful for the Susque-
hannah Bridge company to turnpike the said road from
Baltimore to Belle Air, after causing the same to be laid
out and to extend and lay out the said road from thence
to the scite fixed upon as aforesaid, upon the most direct
route the nature of the ground will admit and to this
end and purpose the said bridge company shall have and