Dec. Sess.
Price of shares.
Books to be
opened. When
Where. A-
mounts at each
place. Under
whose direc-
tion, &c.
8. AND BE IT ENACTED, That subscription
books be opened for a capital stock of one hundred
thousand dollars in shares of twenty dollars each, and
that subscriptions be taken in Baltimore fur twenty-five
thousand dollars under the direction of Emanuel Kent,
Ebenezer Findley and Robert Welsh; for five thousand
dollars at Reisters Town, under the direction of Col.
William Jameson, Isaac Dickson, George Fisher Junr.
John Mackelfresh and Thomas Moale; for twenty-five
thousand dollars at Westminster, under the direction of
John Fisher, Isaac Shriver, James M'Haffie, John
Roope, Henry Brown, Peter Shoemaker and Thomas
Wells; for twenty thousand dollars at Taney-Town, un-
der the direction of Joseph Sim Smith, John M'Kaleb,
John Crapster, Solomon Jennings, Thomas Jones,
Michael Stover, Clotworthy Bernie, Samuel Thompson,
and Joseph Taney; and for twenty-five thousand dollars
at Emmittsburg, under the direction of Robert L. An-
nan, Lewis Motter, John Grable, Patrick Reid, John
Smith, Philip Troup and Abraham Hebling, who are
hereby appointed commissioners for the purposes afore-
said, who shall on or before the first Monday in May
next, procure books and in each enter as follows, to wit":
"We whose names are hereunto subscribed do promise to
nay to the president managers and company of the
Westminster, Taney-Town and Emmittsburg Turnpike
Company, the sum of twenty dollars tor every share of
stock in said company set opposite to our respective
names. Witness our hands this day of
eighteen hundred and fourteen." And shall
give notice in one or more of the public newspapers in
the city of Baltimore and Frederick-Town, for one
month at least, of the limes when, and places where, the
said books will be open to receive subscriptions of stock
for the said company, at which times and places at least
two of the said respective commissioners shall attend,
and shall permit and suffer all persons who shall offer to
subscribe in person, or by attorney duly authorised, in
the said books, which shall be kept open for that pur-
pose at least four hours every day, Sundays excepted,
for the space of three days, if three days shall be neces-