Dec. Sess.
shall appoint five commissioners, who shall estimate the
amount of damages sustained by any person or persons
by reason of said road passing through his her or their
land, or by taking stone, gravel or oilier materials for
the use of said road, in cases where the parties cannot
agree; which estimate shall be final in determining such
Toll gates
18. AND BE IT ENACTED, That no toll gate
shall be put up within two miles of Baltimore street
bridge on Jones" Falls, or within one mile of Havre-
de-Grace, Bushtown or Abington.
Road being
declared free,
the right of
this company
to demand toll
shall cease.
13. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if the legisla-
ture of Maryland shall, at any time, after the year eigh-
teen hundred and forty-five, think proper to take pos-
session of said road for the purpose of declaring it a free
road, six persons shall be appointed by the governor of
this state, and six by said company, who, or any seven
of whom, not having an interest in said road, shall esti-
mate the value of the property which said company have
therein; and whenever the amount so estimated shall be
paid to said company their right to toll on said road and
all their right title and interest, therein shall cease.
ers of survey
to exhibit a
14. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the commis-
sioners herein named shall appoint five commissioners
to locate and survey the said turnpike road, and to exhi-
bit a plat thereof at the time of opening the books of
subscription for the said capital stock, which plat however
shall not be binding on the said company.
Passed Jan.
26, 1814.
Day of ses-
An act relating to the court of oyer and terminer and
jail delivery for Baltimore county.
Section 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That the court of oyer and terminer
and jail delivery of Baltimore county, shall hold its ses-
sion on the first Monday of November in every year,
instead of the third Monday of September.
Petit jurors.
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That hereafter the
sheriff of Baltimore county shall summon the usual
number of petit jurors to serve for the three first weeks,
of each term of the court aforesaid, and should the said
court continue its session longer than three weeks, it
shall be the duty of said sheriff to summon the like num-
ber of petit jurors to serve during the remainder of the
Salary of the
chief justice to
be paid by the
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That henceforth the
chief justice of the court aforesaid shall be paid the salary
allowed to him by law quarter-yearly, by the treasurer
of the western shore, and not by the clerk of said court.