the proper authority in the District of Columbia, to main-
tain any suit or action, and to prosecute and recover any
claim in this state, in the same manner as if the letters
testamentary or of administration had been granted to
such person or persons by the proper authority in this
state; and the letters testamentary or of administration
or a copy thereof, certified under the seal of the autho-
rity granting the same shall be sufficient evidence to
prove the granting thereof, and that the person or per-
sons, as the case may be, hath or have administration.
Dec. Sess.
A supplement to an act entitled, an act for the relief of
the poor of Queen Ann's county.
Section 1. BE IT 'ENACTED, by the General As-
sembly of Maryland, That the trustees of the poor for
Queen Ann's county be, and they are hereby authorized
and empowered in their discretion, to keep any number
of out pensioners, not exceeding ten at one time, in ad-
dition to the number heretofore authorized to be kept,
by an act of Assembly entitled, an act to enlarge the
powers of the trustees of the poor in the several coun-
ties therein designated, passed November session seven-
teen hundred and ninety-nine, on such terms and condi-
tions, and under the same restrictions and limitations as
are provided in said act.
Passed Jan.
29, 1816.
Out pension-
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That this act shall con-
tinue and be in force for two years, and no longer.
Term of en-
An act to incorporate a company to make a turnpike
road from the city of Baltimore to Havre-de-Grace.
Section 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That a company shall be incorporated
to make a turnpike road from the city of Baltimore to
the town of Havre-de Grace.
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That subscription
books shall be opened on or before the first Monday of
March next at Baltimore, Bush Town, Abington and
Havre-de-Grace, for a capital stock for said company,
of sixty thousand dollars in twenty four hundred shares
of twenty-five dollars each, under the direction of the
following commissioners or any one of them to wit: at
Havre-de-Grace by Elijah Davis, Mark Pringle, Samuel
Hughes, George Gale, John Stump, of Cecil, Samuel Jay
and William B. Stokes; at Bush Town by Edward Hall,
Samuel G. Griffith and Josias Hall; at Abington by Wil-
liam Hall, John Monk and William Alien; at Baltimore
by Josias C. Hall, Charles Ridgely of Hampton, Isaac
Tyson, William Lorman, John Beale Howard, James
Beattie, John H. Barney, Thomas H. Sheppard, Robert
Passed Jan.
29, 1814.
Number and
price of shares.