An act to straighten the road from the city of Baltimore,
to Goodwin and Ridgely's Mill, on the falls of Great-
Section 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General As-
sembly of Maryland, That Hercules Courtney, Daniel
Chambers, Peter Bond, John Davis and Samuel Briscoe
be, and are hereby appointed commissioners, and they,
or a majority of them are hereby authorised and directed
to lay out and open a road not exceeding fifty feet in
width from the road between the city of Baltimore, and
Cromwell's bridge, at its junction with the road from
Daniel Clumbers' to Baltimore, to the hill on the north
side of the Great falls of Gunpowder near the mill for-
merly owned by William Goodwin and Edward Ridgely,
as nearly straight as the nature of the country will ad-
mit; and said commissioners shall make a plat of the
road as aforesaid directed to be laid out, and return the
same to the clerk of Baltimore county court, to be re-
corded among the records of said county, and the paid
road when so laid out and opened, and the valuation
hereinafter directed to be made shall be paid, or secured
to be paid to the individuals concerned, shall forever
thereafter be deemed and taken to be a public road, and
shall be kept in repair as other public roads in said
Dec. Sess.
Passed Jan.
31, 1814.
ers to lay out
and open a
road — return a
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the commission-
ers, or a majority of them, shall ascertain and value, (if
required,) what damages may be sustained by any per-
son or persons over whose lands the same may pass, by
opening the same, taking into consideration the advan-
tages and disadvantages, (if any,) and the valuation
shall be made before the said commissioners shall pro-
Valuation of
ceed to open the said road; Provided always, That if any
person or persons through whose land the said road may
pass, or his, her or their guardian, or trustee shall con-
ceive themselves aggrieved by such valuation and assess-
ment of damages by the said commissioners, it shall and
may be lawful for any justice of the peace of raid coun-
ty, on application of the party interested, or his, her or
their guardian or trustee, to issue his warrant, under his
band and seal, directed to any constable of the county,
commanding, him to summon twelve free-holders, disin-
terested in the opening of the said road, to appear on a
day by the said justices to be appointed, on the land of
the person or persons making application as aforesaid,
or for whose benefit such application shall be made; and
the said freeholders having first made oath, before some
justice of the peace, that they will without favor, affec-
tion or partiality, assess the damages sustained by the
person or persons at whose request such inquisition shall