Dec. Sess.
Deposit for
said corporation shall and may deposit and keep the mo-
nies belonging to the said corporation in any banker
banks or other place of safety, which shall, in the dis-
cretion and judgment of the president and managers of
the said company, be deemed most convenient for trans-
acting the business of said corporation, and which may
be drawn from such banks or place of deposit, in the
manner prescribed by the original act for incorporating
the company aforesaid.
Error cor-
6. And whereas, by the reviving act of Assembly
passed at last November session, the original act afore-
said is stilted to have been parsed at November session
eighteen hundred and ten, instead of November session
eighteen hundred and nine.
error is hereby corrected, and the words "eighteen hun-
dred and nine" shall be substituted in the place of the
words ''eighteen hundred and ten" in said reviving act.
Passed Jan.
29, 1814.
ers. Direction
of said road,
Plot. Dama-
An act to straighten and amend an old road in Washington
Section 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General As-
sembly of Maryland, That John Bowles, David Schneb-
ley, and John Wolgamot, of Washington county be,
and they are herein appointed commissioners to survey,
straighten and amend the old road leading from Hagar's
Town to Mesersburg, known by the name of the Broad
Fording road, to begin at the forks of the new Mesers-
burg road, rear Upton Lawrence's plantation, and ex-
tend to the Cross Roads in John Long's lane, and theme
by us straight a direction as the ground will admit of, to
the place where, a new bridge is now building over Co-
nococheague, and from the said bridge to intersect the
aforesaid old road,on as straight a direction as the ground
will admit; and the said commissioners or a majority of
them shall have full power to straighten and amend the
said road at any place in the above described distance
as they or a majority of them may think necessary, and
return a plot of the same to the levy court of Washing-
ton county, designating the amendments by them made,
and the said commissioners or a majority of them shall
have full power and authority to make contracts with
the owner or owners of the land over which said road
shall pass, for any damage which the owner or owners of
such land may sustain, and if the commissioners cannot
agree with said owner or owners of such land for the
damages sustained by reason of such amendment, then
the said commissioners or a majority of them, shall pro-
ceed to value and estimate the said land and damages
which such owner or owners may sustain on account of
said amendments, so made, and shall report the same to