ces pure silver to every pound troy, which shall not be
stamped or marked in a conspicuous manner, with the
stamp or mark of the assay officer, whose appointment
is hereinafter provided lor, upon pain that every such
silversmith, or other person so offending shall for every
such offence, forfeit and pay the sum of one hundred
dollars, to be recovered and disposed of as hereinafter is
directed, and for default of not pacing down the penalty
upon conviction, shall be committed by the court in
which judgment shall be given thereon to the common
jail of the county, there to remain and to be kept for
any time not exceeding the space of twelve months nor
less than six months, or until payment be made of the
said forfeiture, and also upon pain that such silver ves-
sel, plate or manufacture of silver, which shall be sold,
exchanged or exposed or offered for sale or exchange,
without having the stamp or mark thereon as by this act
is hereinafter provided for, shall be forfeited, one moiety
thereof to the mayor and city council of Baltimore, lor
the use of the said city and the other moiety thereof to
such person or persons who shall sue for and recover the
Silver smiths,
&c. shall send
to asseyor's
office. His du-
ty. Penalty
on neglect.
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That from and after
the first day of August aforesaid, every working silver-
smith, and other manufacturer of silver whatsoever, who
shall at any time or times work or make, or cause to be
wrought or made, any silver vessel, plate, or manufac-
ture of silver whatsoever, by this act required to be
marked or stamped by the assay officer as aforesaid,
shall from time to time send with every parrel of such
silver to his assay office, a note or memorandum in wri-
ting, containing the day of the month and year, the
Christian and surname of the worker or maker, and
place of his or her abode, with the total weight of such
parcel; which note or memorandum, shall be entered by
the assay officer in a book kept by him for such purpose,
and shall be afterwards filed, and transmitted monthly
to the mayor's office of the city aforesaid; and the may-
or and city council aforesaid shall and may, and they
are hereby fully authorised and empowered monthly, or
oftener if they shall think fit, to appoint any person or
persons to inspect and examine the book or books of the
assay officer aforesaid, and for every default of such
silversmith, or manufacturer of silver, and of such as-
say officer, touching or concerning any of the above
mentioned premises, he, each and every of them, shall
forfeit and pay the sum of twenty five dollars, to be re-
covered and disposed of as hereinafter is mentioned, and
for want of payment, the off under shall be committed by
the justice of the peace by whom judgment shall be given
thereon, to the common jail of Baltimore county, there
to remain and be kept tor any time not exceeding the