Dec. Sess.
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said Mat-
thias Dashiell, before he derives any benefit from or un-
der this act, shall lodge his collection books in the
clerk's office of Somerset county, to be opened for the
inspection of all persons interested in the same.
Passed Jan.
20, 1814.
$30 may be
levied for his
An act for the benefit of Elijah S. Smith, of Somerset
Section 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General As-
sembly of Maryland, That the justices of the levy court
of Somerset county be, and they are hereby empowered,
and directed at their levy court annually, so long as they
shall see cause, to assess and levy on the assessable
property of said county, a sum of money not exceeding
thirty dollars, for the support and maintenance of the
said Elijah S. Smith, and that the same be collected an-
nually by the collector of Somerset county, and paid to
the said Elijah S. Smith or his order.
Passed Jan.
26, 1814.
An act to alter and change the name of Elizabeth-
Town, in Washington county, to Hager's-Town, and to
incorporate the same.
Name chang-
Section 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General Assem-
b1y of Maryland, That the Town in Washington coun-
ty, State of Maryland, now called and known by the
name of Elizabeth-Town, shall forever hereafter be call-
ed and known by the name of Hager's-Town.
Town in-
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That Hagers-Town
aforesaid shall be and hereby is erected, constituted and
made an incorporate town, and that the corporate body
of the said town consist of a moderator and four other
commissioners, which moderator and commissioners
shall be a body incorporate, and one community forever,
in right and by the name of the moderator and other
commissioners of Hager's Town, and shall be able and
capable to sue and be sued at law, and to act and execute
do and perform, as a body incorporate, which shall have
succession forever, and to that end to have a common
seal, and the same to change and alter at pleasure.
Election of
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the free, white,
male citizens of Hager's Town aforesaid, of the ape of
twenty one years, and upwards, and paying tax in the
said town be authorised to elect, on the second Monday
in April next, and on the same day annually forever,
five discreet persons, inhabitants of the said town, and
not. under the age of twenty-five years, and being seized
in fee, or for life, of a freehold estate situate in the said
town or its additions, as commissioners of the said