and in such case the clerk of said county shall record
the same plot and certificate; whereupon it shall and may
be lawful for the levy court of said county to levy upon
the assessable property of said county, such sum of mo-
ney as they may deem necessary, and to appoint and
employ an overseer to open and clear said road agreea-
bly to the plot and certificate aforesaid, and the said road
when opened and cleared as aforesaid, shall be, and the
game is hereby declared to be forever thereafter a public
road, and shall be kept in repair as other public roads in
said county.
Dec. Sess.
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the levy court
of said county shall appoint three disinterested persons
who, or a majority of them shall value and ascertain the
damages that may be sustained by each and every of the
persons through whose lands the said road may pass by
opening the same, taking into consideration the advanta-
ge and disadvantages, and return the same to the levy
court and the damages so ascertained shall be levied and
assessed as other county charges are, and shall be paid
over to the persons respectively, who may be endamaged
thereby; Provided nevertheless, That no money shall
be levied or assessed for the purpose of paying the dama-
ges aforesaid, until the said road is opened and cleared
agreeably to the directions of this act.
4. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said com-
missioners shall be entitled to receive as a compensation
for their services, a sum not exceeding two dollars per
day, to be ascertained by the levy court, which is here-
by directed to be levied, collected and paid as other coun-
ty charges.
ers' compensa-
An act to enable the president, directors and company of
the Farmers' Bank of Maryland at Annapolis, and of
the Branch Bank at Easton, to remove said bunks in
case of necessity, and for other purposes.
Passed Jan.
26, 1814.
Section 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That the president directors and com-
pany of the Farmers' Bank of Maryland at Annapolis,
and, the Branch Bank at Easton, shall have power and
authority and they are hereby authorised and empower-
ed in the direction of a board of directors of either of
the said banks, during the continuance of the present
war between this country and Great Britain, in case of
any apprehension by them or either of them, of any at-
tack by the enemy on either of the said places of Anna-
polis, or Easton, to remove or cause to be removed to
some convenient place of safety within this state, all the
books, papers and other property belonging to such bank
so removed.
Books, pa-
pers, &c may
be removed.
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That in case any note
Notes be-
coming due.