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The Maryland Constitution of 1851
Volume 631, Page 9   View pdf image (33K)
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The original constitution of Maryland, framed at an
early period of the Revolutionary War, remained for three-
quarters of a century the fundamental law of the State,
until it was superseded by the Constitution of 1851. At
the time of its formation the constitution was well adapted
to the wants and circumstances of the people. But the
rapid growth of population, and the great commercial and
industrial development of the State rendered necessary the
alteration of the constitution then framed, so as to con-
form to social and economic progress.

Many of the more objectionable features of the con-
stitution were amended or abolished. Among these
changes were the abolition of the property qualification for
the right of suffrage, and the repeal of the clause which
prevented those who were conscientiously scrupulous of
taking the oath from sitting in the General Assembly, or
serving as a witness in criminal cases where capital punish-
ment was involved. The electoral college for selecting the
members of the Senate had been abolished, and the people
had been given the right, with some restrictions, of electing
their governor.

All of these changes in the constitution had been effected
by successive acts of the General Assembly; but these
alterations, so far from producing the desired result, had
in many instances tended to destroy the harmony of the
original instrument, and instead of improving had served
to render it a " shapeless mass of unintelligible and con-
tradictory provisions/' so that in many of its features it
bore little or no resemblance to the original constitution.


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The Maryland Constitution of 1851
Volume 631, Page 9   View pdf image (33K)
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