1876 Ch. 51. Changes the dividing line between the 3d and 5th election
district to run as follows:
" Beginning at the Morgantown road where said road
intersects the National Road, then running a south-east
course to a point on the road known as the Samuel Engle
Mill road, where said road crosses the top of Negro Moun-
tain, and intersecting the present dividing line between
election districts three and five, thence with the present
dividing line as located."
1880 Ch. 309. Changes portion of line between 3d and 5th election districts
to run as follows:
" Beginning at the top of Negro Mountain where the
road known as the Samuel Engle Mill road crosses said
mountain, and running thence with the said road to the
Westerman bridge, over the Cashlman river, thence with
the said river to the point where it intersects the dividing
line between districts number three and number one."
1882 Ch. 89. Changes a portion of the line between the 5th and 6th elec-
tion districts to run as follows:
" Beginning at the head of the north fork of Cassel-
mans river, in a straight line, to Lynns Sugar Camp, and
from thence to the top of Negro mountain, intersecting
the Grantsville and Oakland road, and from thence to
present district line, near the west place."
1882 Ch. 143. Erects two new election districts, Nos. 10 and 11, out of the
1st, 7th, and 8th election districts and changes the line
between the 3d and 4th. The bounds are as follows:
"Beginning at the burnt school house on Hooppole
Ridge, in district number seven, and running with Broad
Foard Run as it now does to its mouth, intersecting with
the Ryans Glade road, thence with said Ryans Glade road
to the M. E. Church in Ryans Glade, in district number
eight, from thence along the Altamont road to John Davis'
saw mill, on a stream known as Laurel Run, and with
said run to the North Branch of the Potomac River,
thence with said North Branch to Kitzmillersville, and
from thence with what is known as Hamill's line to
the beginning .... shall be known and designated as
district number ten."
" That the present dividing line between the third and
fourth election districts of Garrett county be changed so
as to run as follows: Beginning at the foot of Savage
Mountain where the two county roads intersect, and run-
ning down said mountain to the head waters of Mill Run,
then with said run to the dividing line between Allegany
and Garrett counties, thence with said dividing line to dis-
trict number nine, thence with said line to or near John
Wilhelm's at Little Savage, thence changing the dividing