through the divisional lane between said Davidsons and
Elijah Bunsfield, to the road leading from Vienna to New-
Market, thence with said road to the place of beginning."
1831 Ch. 135. Polling place of 4th election district changed to Parson's
1836 Ch. 69. Line between 4th and 5th election districts leading from
Keene's Crossroads to Jones bridge, commonly called the
Great Marsh bridge in Dorchester County changed to run
from the said Keene's cross roads, with a straight line, to
a place called Burton's Landing, and from thence south-
west, until it shall intersect the line of the sixth election
1838 Ch. 212. Line between 4th and 7th election districts near Church Creek
changed as follows:
" Beginning at a bridge near the Storehouse, formerly
the property of Isaac & Williams, on Church creek in
Dorchester county, then to run in a southerly direction, to
the head of a branch called Hudwin's Branch, then with
said branch to Button's Creek, then with Button's creek
to blackwater river, and all that part of district number
four, lying to the north and east of the above given line,
shall be attached to and form a part of district number
1840 Ch. 114. Polling place of 4th election district to be at Richard Tail's.
1844 Ch. 298. Voters to decide on polling place in Lake's district.
1846 Ch. 239. Line for 1st election district changed as follows:
" Beginning at the bridge over the north-west fork,
branch or prong of Nanticoke river, at Federalsburg,
thence down said branch or prong to the mouth of Harri-
son's Mill creek, thence up said creek to the dam of said
mill, thence with the county road to Nicoll's Cross Roads,
thence with the main road to intersect a road leading from
Crotcher's ferry to the town of Vienna, thence to the
nearest point on Chicone branch, thence with the meander-
ings of said branch to the main road leading from the
Walnut landing to Vienna, and from thence with said
main road to the aforesaid north-west fork, branch or
prong of Nanticoke river."
1852 Ch. 117. Erects additional election district to be known as Church
Creek district No. 9 with bounds as follows:
" Commencing on the county road leading from Church
Creek to Cambridge, at the junction of the road leading
to Little Black Water road, commonly called and known
as Hurley's New road, and running with Hurley's new
road to the point of intersection with the Little Black
Water road, and thence continuing in a straight line to
the Little Black Water river, thence down and with Little
Black Water river to Big Black Water river, thence with