"That all that part of Dorchester county, to wit: beginning at a point on
Main street, in the town of Federalsburg, where Bridge street terminates, and
which is an intersection of a boundary between Dorchester county and Caro-
line county (marked "A" on the plat prepared by John B. Isler, a surveyor
of Caroline county, dated January twenty-second, A. D., eighteen hundred and
eighty), and thence running with said Main street, which is the present
division line of said counties, the following courses, viz: north eight degrees
west, thirty-one perches; north thirty degrees west, thirty-nine perches; north
forty-six degrees west, thirty-two perches; north forty-six degrees west,
thirty-two perches; thence, still with the county road and present boundary
line between the said counties, north sixty-one degrees west, twelve perches;
north eigh ty-two degrees west, seventy-six perches and twelve links; north
eighty-four and one half degrees west, nineteen perches and twelve links;
south fifty-nine degrees west, twenty-two perches and fourteen links; south
fifty-four degrees west, fifteen perches and six links; south sixty-seven degrees
west, eight perches and nineteen links; south seventy-seven and one half
degrees west, thirty-eight perches and nineteen links; south seventy-seven
degrees west, twen ty-three perches and one link; south eighty degrees west,
fourteen perches; north eigh ty-nine degrees west, twenty-seven perches and
ten links; north seventy-seven and one half degrees west, eighteen perches
and ten links; north eighty-five and one half degrees west, eighty-one perches
and eight links; north seventy-seven degrees west, seventeen perches and
seven links; north eighty-one degrees west, twenty-one perches; north sixty-
five and one half degrees west, six perches and ten links, to a point in the
said county road where a division line between the lands of Wm. A. Allberger
and Mrs. Ann Noble terminates; thence, with the same reversed and through
the lands of Robert McCrea, A. W. Flowers, John Dickerson, and Mrs. Rose
Morris, south four degrees west, four hundred and forty perches, to a county
road leading in an easterly direction towards the said town of Federalsburg;
thence with the same and bounded thereby, north eighty-nine degrees east,
two hundred and twenty perches; south seventy-six and one half degrees
east one hundred and twenty perches to the county road from Williamsburg
to Federalsburg; thence with the same and bounded thereby, north seventy-
five degrees east, twenty perches; south seventy-eight and one half degrees
east, twenty-five perches; thence through the lands of Charles Pinyard, south
seventy-eight and one half degrees east, forty-three perches, to the northwest
fork of the Nanticoke river; thence with the same and its marshes and pass-
ing through the land of Charles Pinyard, R. McGee and Charles W. Jefferson;
north ten degrees west, thirty-five perches; north five and one half degrees
east, forty perches; north three and one half degrees west, eighteen perches;
north forty-three degrees east, fourteen perches; north forty-two degrees
east, twelve perches; north forty-seven degrees east, nine perches and twelve
links; north fifty-six degrees east, ten perches; north thirty-six degrees east,
twelve perches; north twenty-eight degrees east, twenty perches; north forty-
one ' degrees east, forty perches, to a point opposite to where Miles Run
empties into the northwest fork of the Nanticoke river; thence crossing the
said northwest fork south sixty-eight degrees east, ten perches, to a point at
or near the mouth of Miles Run; thence with said Miles Run and its meander-