as Precinct number one, and the voting place shall be
the Courthouse; and all that part of said District (number
seven), lying and being south and west of said division
line, shall be known as Precinct number two, and the
voting place shall be some suitable place selected by the
County Commissioners within the limits of the corpora-
tion of said city of Westminster."
1872 Ch. 66. 12th election district from 2d, 10th, and 11th.
" Beginning at Sam's Creek, the boundary line between
Carroll and Frederick counties, and at the point in said
Sam's Creek where the tail race from McKinstry's mills
empties therein, and running thence by a straight line to
intersect the middle of the public road opposite the store-
house now occupied by D. F. Albaugh and Brother; thence
by and with the centre of said public road to the bridge
over Little Pipe Creek near Linwood, being a corner of
Election District number two; thence through said dis-
trict, by a straight line, to Reuben Haines' dwelling-house,
excluding said premises; thence by a straight line to inter-
sect the public county road from Union Bridge to Union
Town, at a point in said road opposite tine centre of a
lane leading off therefrom towards the public school-
house, being between the house and the premises of
Abraham Harris, and the premises of Abraham Stoner;
thence by a straight line to the spring at the head of
Log Cabin Branch, being at a corner of Election District
number two; thence down Log Cabin Branch to the
centre of the road leading from Union Town to Middle-
burg; thence along the middle of said public road towards
Middleburg, until opposite a lane known as Hann's lane,
being now between the lands of Abraham Shirk and
Joseph Roop; thence down said lane to the south end
thereof; thence by a straight line running by Lewis
Haines' dwelling-house, and including said premises, to
Pipe Creek, the boundary line between Carroll and Fred-
erick counties; thence up said creek and Sam's Creek to
the place of beginning."
1874 Ch. 175. Repeals 1870 Ch. 302 and re-enacts to establish voting pre-
cincts in Westminster district, number seven, with
" Beginning on the Western Maryland Railroad, at the
point where said railroad intersects the line of division
between Westminster district number seven, and New
Windsor district number eleven, and running with said
railroad to the Cranberry Station on said railroad, thence
by a straight line to John W. Lucabaugh's Mill, thence east
to Cranberry Run, then running with the said stream to
where it crosses the line of division between Westminster
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