" Commencing at the Surf Bank, where the line of this
State and Delaware strikes the said surf bank, thence by
and with said surf [bank] a south course, until the mouth
of St. Martin's river bears northwest, thence a straight
. line to the said St. Martin's river, and thence running up
the middle of said St. Martin's river to Shingle Laundry,
thence to the foot of Cooxy Hill road, thence by and with
said road to the Pocomoke river, thence by and with said
river to the line of Delaware, thence with said line to the
first beginning."
1860 Ch. 240. Polling place of the 7th election district changed to Atkinson's
1860 Ch. 385. Accepts state boundary line of 1688.
1868 Ch. 80. Boundaries of election districts.
" Costen's or Election District number one: commencing
at the Pocomoke River at the mouth of Carey's Creek,
thence running by and with said creek to Mason's Mills,
thence by and with the County Road from Mason's Mills,
to a place known by the name of the " Sheep House," and
thence in a direct course by survey to the line of the
State of Virginia; all of the territory west of said bound-
ary line is included in the boundaries of the said Election
District number one. For Snow Hill, Election District
number two, the boundaries shall be the same as are now
established by law, and shall continue to be the limits of
said District. For Berlin, Election District number three,
the same boundaries as are now established by law shall
continue to be the limits of said District number three,
For New Ark, Election District number four, the same
boundaries as are now established by law shall continue
to be the limits of said district number four. For St.
Martin's, Election District number five, the same bounda-
ries as are now established by law shall continue to be
the limits of said District number five. For Coulbourn's,
Election District number six, the same boundaries here-
tofore established by law, in so far as they do not conflict
with the Election Districts of Wicomico County, or the
territory of said County, shall be the limits of said Dis-
trict number six, except as such other additional terri-
tory as by this act may be included therein. For Adkin-
son's, Election District number seven, the same boundaries
as are now established by law, in so far as they do not
conflict with the Election District of Wicomico County,
or the territory of said county, shall be the limits of said
District number seven, except as such other additional
territory as by this Act may be included therein. For
Sandy Hill, Election District number eight, the following
shall be the boundaries of said District, namely; all that