That the Surveyor of Wicomico shall .... proceed to
lay off and survey the boundary line dividing the districts
of Pittsburg and Dennis, beginning at Given's bridge, on
the Pocomoke river, thence running by and with the road
leading to Saint James' Chapel to said point called Saint
James' Chapel, thence a due west line to the line of Par-
sons' district. And for a division or line between Dennis'
district and Nutters' the main branch of the Nassawango
creek shall be the boundary."
1874 Ch. 261. Polling place of the 7th district changed to Walnut tree lot.
1896 Ch. 451. Line between election districts 5 and 4 changed to run as
" Beginning on the northeasterly side of the county road
leading from Forest Grove to Parsonsburgh at a point in
the curve of the said road opposite Public School No. 8
and about 100 feet therefrom; thence running north fifty
degrees and thirty minutes east, 434 feet to the centre of
the county road leading from Salisbury to Parsonsburg;
thence with a street called Pine street so far as it runs,
north four degrees, west 1,700 feet to the intersection of
the county road known as the Parker road with the county
road known as the new county road, by the residence of
George W. Farlow."
1898 Ch. 74. Erects additional election district to be known as the 11th
election district and to have the following boundaries:
" Beginning at the intersection of the county road lead-
ing from Salisbury to Mardella Springs and the county
road leading from said road easterly over the Ruark, or
Nailor Mill dam, thence by and with said Ruark or Nay-
lor road to the dam aforesaid; thence up the Ruark or
Naylor Mill pond and branch to the mill dam of George
W. Leonard of B, and county road leading from Salisbury
to Laurel, Delaware; thence by and with said county road
to the Delaware line; thence by and with the Delaware
line to Spring Hill lane; thence by and with Spring Hill
lane and the county road leading from Salisbury to Mar-
della Springs to the beginning."
1900 Ch. 426. Erects additional district to be known, as the 12th election
district and to have the following boundaries:
" Beginning at Shile's Creek at a stone boundary be-
tween the lands of J. "W. T. Robertson and Jefferson
Hughs to Trinity M. E. Church; thence with the centre of
said road leading to Tyaskin postofiice to a point where it
intersects with a private road leading from said road to
the Nanticoke River, about one hundred yards east of the
colored school-house; thence with said private road by
the house of Henry Jones (colored) and James P. Insleys
and E. H. Williams to the Nanticoke River; thence with
said Nanticoke River to its confluence with the Wicomico