Almira Turton; thence from said branch with the public
road leading towards the village of Nottingham, until it
intersects the public road from Brandywine to Notting-
ham; from this point in a straight line, to the private
road of Henry F. Worthington's, leading through the
farms of James A. Hyde, Leonard H. Early and R. W. G.
Baden, to the private road from Horsehead to Notting-
ham; thence with said private road from said Worthing-
ton's to the branch between the farms of James A. Hyde
and R. W. G. Baden; thence up said branch to the mouth
of a small stream of water running through the western
portion of said Baden's farm; thence up said stream to its
source at St. Paul's Church Spring; thence to the public
road at St. Paul's Church; thence with said public road
leading towards Brandywine, until it strikes the public
road leading from Robeysville; thence up said road to a
small stream of water near the old public school house
known as Forrest Grove; thence down said stream of
water to the boundary line between Charles and Prince
George's counties; thence with said line to the Mattawo-
man branch, with said branch to the public road leading
from Beantown to Piscataway at G. W. Gardner's; thence
with said road until it intersects the public road leading
from Sharpensville to T. B.; thence in a straight line to
the public road leading from Piscataway to T. B., at a
point sixty yards below John A. Coe's dwelling, so as to
include John A. Coe in the new district; thence in a
straight line to Piscataway branch, to take Thomas H.
Lusby in the new district and leave G. R. H. Marshall in
Piscataway district; thence up said branch to the be-
1874 Ch. 487. Additional election district, No. 12, erected from parts of
. Piscataway and Spalding's election districts with the fol-
lowing bounds:
" Beginning at the boundary line between the District
of Columbia and Prince George's county, at the ferry, and
running with the river to Broad Creek; thence with said
creek to J. W. Webster's, leaving said Webster's in Piscata-
way District; thence with the road leading from said
Webster's to the late John Palmer's house; thence with
the Marlboro road leading from Palmer's to the new road
by Temple's Mill, it intersects Grimes' Cross-Roads, lead-
ing to Silver Hill Post-Office; and from thence in a straight
line to a point on the district line, on the farm of Col.
Maddox, and thence with said district line to the ferry."
1876 Ch. 147. Additional election district, No. 13, erected with the following
" Beginning at the Vansville district line intersecting