Dec. Ses. 1824
* maintenance of John Ritchie of said county, to be collected by
the collector of said county, and by him paid over to the said John
Ritchie, or to his order.
Passed Jan.
17, 1825.
. An act to enable Simon Fraser of Prince Georges county, to purchase and
hold real property within this state.
Whereas, Simon Fraser, a native of Scotland, and now a resi-
dent of Prince Georges county, hath purchased and contracted for
certain real estate in said county, and the said Simon Fraser, hav-
ing specified his intention to become a citizen by applying to the
judges of Prince Georges county court, for the benefit of the na-
turalization laws; Therefore,
to hold pro-
perty, &c.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the
said Simon Fraser, shall be, and hereby is enabled to have, hold,
take and occupy all such real property, within this state, as the
said Simon Fraser shall have purchased and contracted for, before
the passage of this act; and may sell and dispose of the same in
like manner as a natural born citizen of the United States ma; and
in case of the death of the said Simon Fraser, without any dispo-
sition of his said real estate, by deed or will, the same shall de-
scend to, and be vested in his lawful issue, or their legal represen-
tatives, according to the due and ordinary course of descent: Pro-
vided, that nothing herein contained shall in any manner interfere
with, or affect the rights of individuals, claiming the said lands, or
any part thereof; and Provided also that the said Simon Fraser
shall, within three years after the passage of thin act, become a ci-
tizen of the United States, according to the laws thereof.
Passed Jan.
26, 1825.
A supplement to the act entitled, "An Act for the encouragement of Learn-
ing in Cecil county "
Whereat, inconveniences have been experienced in consequence of
the board of trustees of West Nottingham academy being too
numerous; Therefore,
Trustees to
be reduced.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That any vacancy in the board of trustees of West Nottingham
academy in Cecil county, now existing, or which may hereafter be
occasioned by the death, resignation or disqualification of any mem-
ber of the said board, shall not be supplied or filled, until the
number of the board be reduced to nine.
Nine trus-
Quorum, &c.
2. And be it enacted, That when the number of the board shall
have been so reduced as aforesaid, it shall consist of nine trustees
instead of fifteen, as established by law.
3. And be it enacted, That four trustees and their president shall
be a quorum to transact all the business, perform all the duties,
and enjoy all the privileges and immunities which were granted to,
and required of the board of trustees by the law to which this a
supplement; and in the case of the absence of the president, the
trustees present may appoint a president protempore.
4. And be it enacted, That if this act be previously accepted by
the present trustees, or a majority of them, and their acceptance
thereof entered on the journal or minutes of their proceedings, at