and heirs at law of the said Edward Wilson deceased, all her in-
terest and right of dower, in and to the lands and premises afore-
said, with the improvements and appurtenances; and whereas the
said Lydia, the widow of said Edward Wilson was also seized and
possessed of the following described lands and tenements, with the
improvements and appurtenances thereto belonging, which by her
certain deed of bargain and sale, she conveyed to the said Mary R.
Lockwood, Edward Wilson, Sarah A. Wilson, Lydia P. Wilson
and William Wilson, their heirs and assigns forever, as tenants
in common, and not as joint tenants; that is to say, a tract or par-
cel of land, one part whereof is situate in Appoquinimink hun-
dred, New-Castle county and state of Delaware; and the other part
whereof is situate in Kent county, in the state of Maryland, ad-
joining lands of Isaac Gibbs: and lands of the heirs of the said
Edward Wilson deceased, containing seven hundred and twenty-
four acres, more or less: also a tract or parcel of land, situate in
Cecil county and state of Maryland, bounded by the road leading
from Warwick to Sassafras neck; and by the road leading from
Warwick aforesaid, to the head of Sassafras river, containing by
computation, four hundred and thirty-four acres: and whereas the
said Lydia, widow of said Edward Wilson, afterwards intermar-
ried with a certain Joseph Whitby, who died in the year eighteen
hundred and twenty, leaving the said Lydia, his widow, him sur-
viving; and the said Lydia Whitby, afterwards, and on or about
the eleventh day of June, in the year eighteen hundred and twenty-
one, did grant and convey to the said Mary R. Lockwood, Edward
Wilson, Sarah A. Wilson, Lydia P. Wilson and William Wilson,
their heirs and assigns as tenants in common, and not as joint ten-
ants, the following described lands and tenements, with the im-
provements and appurtenances; that is to say, a tract or parcel of
land, situate in Appoquinimink hundred, New-Castle county and
state of Delaware, bounded by lands of William Alfree, esquire,
William Gooding, and lands of the heirs of John Scott, deceased,
containing by computation, four hundred acres; a tract or parcel of
woodland, lying and being in the hundred, county and state last
aforesaid, bounded by lands late of Arnold Naudine, the elder,
Cantwell Jones and others, and containing fifty acres, more or less:
and whereas, it is intended by this act to enable the said heirs and
grantees, to cause the said lands and tenements, with the appur-
tenances so lying in the states of Delaware and Maryland, to be
divided among them as one estate, without the expense of several
divisions: Therefore,
Dec. Ses. 1824
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
on the application of the said heirs at law, or their guardians or
trustees to the Chancellor of the state of Delaware; he is hereby
authorized, after entering such application of said heirs or their
guardians or trustees, requesting division and partition agreeably to
this act, on the rolls of the court of chancery, of the state of De-
laware, to issue a commission, directed to seven free holders, (four
of whom shall be citizens and free holders of the state of Delaware;
and three of whom shall be citizens and free holders of the state
of Maryland) to be appointed commissioners by the said Chancel-
lor., authorizing and requiring them or a majority of them, being
Chancellor of
Delaware au-
ers—their du-