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Session Laws, 1824
Volume 629, Page 43   View pdf image
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Laws of Maryland.


ficient deed, all the right, title, interest and claim of the German
reformed congregations in the neighbourhood of Taney Town,
Emmittsburg and Mechanics Town, in and to a certain lot of
ground in the town of Emmittsburg, and know on the plat of said
town, by number fourteen, with the buildings thereon, and the im-
provements thereunto belonging, being the same lot and apperten-
ances, which were sold and conveyed by Peter Troxell, to the el-
ders of the aforesaid congregations, by a deed, bearing date the
thirty-first day of December, eighteen hundred and fourteen, and
recorded among the records of Frederick county, in Liber J. S.
No. 5, folios 297, 298 and 299, reference to the said deed, being
had, will more fully appear: and the said John Heiner, George
Troxell and John Harbaugh, senior, are hereby authorized and em-
powered to receive from the aforesaid Reverend David Bossier the
purchase money for the aforesaid lot and improvements, for the
use of the respective congregations aforesaid.

Dec. Ses. 1824


An act to repeal an act entitled, An Act to alter, change and repeal such
parts of the constitution and form of government of this state, as relate to
the division of Allegany county, into eight separate election districts, passed
at December Session, eighteen hundred and sixteen, and confirmed at
December Session, eighteen hundred and seventeen!

Passed Jan.

26, 1825.

Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That all such parts of the constitution and form of government,
made such by the acts of eighteen hundred and sixteen and eighteen
hundred and seventeen, which directs that Allegany county shall
be divided and laid oft" into eight separate election districts, be,
and the same is hereby repealed.

Act of 1816

2. And be it enacted, That Allegany county shall be divided into
nine separate election districts; and the additional district shall be
taken and laid off from the seventh and eighth election districts, as
they are now numbered.

Nine dis-

3. And be it enacted, That Amos Robinett, Francis Reid, Ben-
jamin Robinson, John North and Leonard Shereliff, or a majority
of them, or a majority of the survivors of them, be, and they are
hereby appointed commissioners, and authorized to lay off Alle-
gany county into nine seperate election districts; and to number
the same, not altering or changing either the first, second, third,
fourth, fifth and sixth election districts; or the place of holding the
election therein as now established by law, but only dividing the
seventh and eighth into three separate election districts, having re-
gard to the population, extent and convenience of the votes in each
of said districts; and said election districts so laid off anew, shall be
numbered seven, eight and nine, and known thereafter by such
number; and also to select Old Town as the place of holding the
election for one of the said election districts thus to be laid out, the
house of Isaac Osmun, near the mouth of Fifteen mile creek, for the
place of holding the election of another election district thus laid
out; and Walter Slicer's tavern, or any other place within said dis-
trict, which may be deemed more convenient, for the place of hold-
ing the election in the other election district thus to be laid out; and
the said commissioners shall, on or before the first day of April,
eighteen hundred and twenty-six, deliver to the clerk of Allegany

ers to divide,

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Session Laws, 1824
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