Dec. Ses. 1824
Property be-
low $100 ex-
to re-value and re-assess the real and personal property within said
2. And be it enacted, That no person in said county, whose
property shall not be assessed to the amount of one hundred dol-
lars, shall be liable for, or chargeable with any tax, assessment or
charge imposed in virtue of the act passed at November Ses-
sion, eighteen hundred and twelve, entitled, An Act for the valu-
ation of real and personal property in the several counties in this
ers named.
3. And be it enacted, That the following persons shall he, and
are hereby appointed commissioners of the tax for said county, to
wit: Francis W. Hall, Benjamin Ogle, Clement Brook, Benja-
min Oden and James Robinson; and are hereby authorised and
empowered to carry into full effect and operation, all the provi-
sions of this act and the act of eighteen hundred and twelve, en-
titled "An Act for the valuation of real and personal property in
the several counties of this state."
Passed Jan.
19, 1825.
An act relating to two deeds of Manumission recorded amongst the records
of Kent County.
Whereas, it has been made to appear, by the petitions of Rich-
ard Barroll and Rachael George, in a manner satisfactory to the
members of this General Assembly, that two deeds of Manumis-
sion, recorded amongst the records of Kent county, are, contrary
to the meaning and intention of the parties thereto, rendered in-
operative, because the said deeds of manumission are not eviden-
ced by two witnesses as required by an act of Assembly, passed
at November Session, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-six,
entitled, "An Act relating to negroes, and to repeal the acts of As-
sembly therein mentioned," whereby the petitioners aforesaid are
liable to be aggrieved: and whereas it is reasonable and proper that
the said deeds of Manumission should be made valid and effectual,
so far as the same can be done without interfering unjustly with
Deed made
the legal rights acquired by third persons: Therefore,
Sec 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That a certain deed of manumission made by John Norris, dated
the twenty-third day of August, in the year one thousand eight
hundred and twenty one, and recorded on page two hundred and
fifty-two of Liber W. S. No. two, one of the record books of Kent
county; and a certain deed of Manumission made by Joseph W.
George, dated the twelfth day of August, in the year one thou-
sand eight hundred and sixteen; and recorded on page one hundred
and ninety-three of Liber B. C. number four, one of the record
books of Kent county, be, and they are hereby made as valid and
effectual to all intents and purposes, as if they were evidenced by-
two witnesses, as requited by an act of Assembly, passed at No-
vember Session, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-six, en-
titled, An Act relating to negroes, and to repeal the acts of As-
sembly therein mentioned: provided, that nothing in this act con-
tained, shall be so construed as to impair, or in any manner, af-
fect the legal right or rights of any person or persons, which may
have accrued or become vested between the times of the respective