Dec. Ses. 1824
ry of the western shore; Provided, that if this said tract of land be secured
the said sale shall not be made until after the time allowed by law for the
redemption of the said land; And provided also, that the debt due from the
said Gustavus Scott to the state shall be credited by so much of the purchase
money as shall exceed the sum paid by the state's agent for the said lands
and the necessary expanses attending the said sale.
Passed Feb.
11, 1825.
A. Robertson.
No. 16
Resolved, That the treasurer of the western shore,, be and he is hereby
authorised and required to allow to Alexander Robertson, a credit for the
sum of one hundred and twenty six dollars and twenty one cents, in payment
of caution money, that may in future become due from him on any vacant
land he may wish to secure in Allegany county
Passed Feb.
18, 1825.
Repair of
Camp equip-
age, &c.
No. 17.
Resolved, That the governor and council, be authorised to have repaired
on the best and most economic terms, such portion of the arms now depo-
sited in the state house, as they may deem advisable to have repaired, and to
dispose of the residue of unserviceable arms in such manner as they may
think most conductive to the interest of the state.
Resolved, That the governor and council be and they are hereby authori-
sed to contract upon the best terms for the repairs and preservation and safe
deposite of the camp equipage, accoutrements, and munitions of war, belong-
ing to the state.
Passed Feb.
12, 1825.
Approval of
Monroe's ad-
No. 18.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That they highly appre-
citate the long and faithful services of James Monroe, president of the United
Resolved, That his wise, impartial and dignified administration of the gen-
eral government, has justly entitled him to the approbation and affectionate
regard of the good people of the union.
Resolved, That his excellency the governor, be requested to communicate
to the president, the foregoing resolutions, and to express to him on behalf of
the citizens of Maryland, the ardent wishes of this general assembly, that in
retirement, he may long live to enjoy every domestic blessing, and the high-
est reward of patriotism, in the esteem and gratitude of his countrymen.
Passed Feb.
9, 1825.
Repairs to
No. 19.
Resolved, That the governor and council, be and they are hereby reques-
ted to ascertain what repairs are necessary to be made to the ordinance be-
longing to the state, now in the possession of the artillery company comman-
ded by captain David Kemp, of Frederick county, and to cause such repairs
if any, to be made, and also to ascertain what expenses have already been in-
curred in repairing and refitting said ordinance, and to draw upon the trea-
surer of the western shore for whatever sum maybe required to pay such
expences and cause such repairs to be made.
Passed Feb.
19, 1825.
No. 20.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the time allowed
to Elizabeth Handy, executrix of George Handy, late register of wills for
Somerset county, deceased, to record certain papers, remaining unrecorded by
the said George Handy, while acting as register for said county, be extended
to the first day of January, eighteen hundred and twenty six, and that she or
her agent or agents, may have free access to, use and possession of, all such
papers as she or they may deem necessary to enable her or them to comply
with the requisites of the law, passed at December session eighteen hundred
and twenty three, relative thereto.
Passed Feb.
19, 1825.
Monies not
No. 21.
Resolved, That all monies heretofore appropriated for the payment of the
journal of accounts, and not demanded within the last three years, shall be
subject to future appropriations of the legislature; and that all appropriation as
hereafter to be made for a similar object, shall be demanded within three
years thereafter, under the penalty of a forfeiture of the claim against the
state; Provided nevertheless, That nothing herein contained, shall be con-
strued to debar any claimant or his heirs, from the payment of any sum or
sums money that may be now due, whenever such claim shall be justly and
satisfactorily established out of any unappropriated money in the treasury.
Passed Feb.
18, 1825.
No. 22.
Resolved, That the treasurer of the western shore, pay to Thomas Town-
send, of Talbot county, or to his order, during life, in quarter annual pay-
ments, the half pay of a private, as a further renumeration for his services
during the revolutionary war..
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