shall have all the effect, force and validity of a sheriff, coroner, or
elisor's return, duly made by himself, and the same proceedings
shall thereafter be had thereon, as are provided in the fourth sec-
tion of the act to which this is a supplement.
2. And be it enacted, That in case of the death of any sheriff,
or late sheriff, who may at the time of his death, have officers fees
in his hands for collection; it shall and may be lawful for the or-
phans court of the county wherein said sheriff or late sheriff resi-
ded, upon the application of the security or securities of such
sheriff or late sheriff, or his or their legal representatives, to ap-
point such person or persons as the said court may deem proper to
complete the collection of said fees, whose duty it shall be to apply
said fees when collected, or so much thereof as may be necessary
to the payment of such claims as may lawfully exist against said
deceased sheriff or late sheriff, for officers fees put into his hands
for collection, and the person or persons so appointed, shall be en-
titled to the same commissions or fees on the monies collected by
them, as sheriffs are entitled to for similar services, and shall be
subject to the same rules and regulations.
3. And be it enacted, That all and every person or persons ap-
pointed under the provisions of this act, shall within one year after
their appointment, settle an account on oath with their respective
orphans courts, shewing the amount of monies by them collected,
the amount of claims by them paid away, and to whom paid, to-
gether with their authority for such payment, which said account
may be approved or rejected by the said court, according to their
judgment of its correctness or incorrectness, and if by such ac-
counts being approved us aforesaid, any balance should appear to
be in the hands of such collector or collectors, they shall, under
the orders of said court, pay over said balance to the executor or
administrator of such deceased sheriff or late sheriff.
4. And be it enacted, That no officers fees which have been put
into the hands of any sheriff for collection, and which may not
have been collected at the time of the death of such sheriff or late
sheriff as the case may be, shall be considered as assets in the
hands of such sheriff or late sheriff's executor or administrator, or
as belonging to the estate of such deceased sheriff or late sheriff,
other or wore than such part thereof as may remain in the hands
of such person or persons as may be appointed under this net,
after the debts due the different officers are all paid, for which the
said securities were responsible.
5. And be it enacted, That before any person or persons appoin-
ted under the provisions of this act, shall proceed to execute the
duties of the said appointment, he or they shall give bond to the
state with security to be approved by the said court, conditioned
for the faithful performance and fulfilment of the duties enjoyned
on them by this act.
6. And be it enacted, That all acts or parts of acts of assembly
which are repugnant to or inconsistent with the provisions of this
act, be, and the same are hereby repealed.
Dec. Ses. 1824
Collection of
Account and
Fees in hand,
not collected.
Bond and se-