ize and appoint battalions and regiments of volunteer corps,
whenever application for such is made, under the sanction of the
general commanding where said battalions or regiments are raised
and to be organized.
16. And be it enacted, That the officer ordering a court martial
shall be the plaintiff in all proceedings for the recovery of fines
and forfeitures imposed under the act to regulate and discipline
the militia of this state, and the several supplements thereto; and
that the decision of a court martial shall be final and conclusive
as to the amount of fine and forfeiture.
17. And be it enacted, That any person removing into a county
or district, shall be liable to the provisions and penalties of the
militia laws of this state, Provided, they be enrolled, and have one
weeks previous notice given of said meeting.
18. And be it enacted, That it shall hereafter be the duty of each
captain or commander of a company, that has received arms and
accoutrements from the executive of this state, to report annually
by the first day of November, the condition and number of the
same to the adjutant general of this suite, under a penalty not ex-
ceeding thirty dollars nor less than five dollars.
19. And be it enacted, That the captain of any uniform com-
pany of the militia of this state, may adopt such uniform as may
be determined on by the said company.
20. And be it enacted, That the militia of Allegany county
shall be exempt from the operation of this act, so far as it relates
to or prescribes the mode of holding brigade, regimental or bat-
talion muster or meetings, or general or regimental court martial,
and from the operation of the third section of this, act, so far as
it requires an annual meeting of the commissioned officers for
drill and exercise.
21. And be it enacted, That all acts or parts of acts which are
inconsistent with or repugnant to the provisions of this act, be,
and the same are hereby repealed.
Dec Ses. 1824
Recovery of
Decision of,
court final.
Persons re-
moving lia-
ble to duty.
Report of
arms-- penal-
county mili-
tia partially
An act to make valid the acts and proceedings of Johnson Simpers, as a, Jus-
tice of the Peace for Cecil County.
Whereas, Johnson Simpers, of Cecil county, was duly commis-
sioned as a Justice of the Peace, in and for Cecil county several
years ago, and has been acting in the capacity of a justice of the
peace aforesaid since his appointment to the present time, and
whereas, the said Johnson Simpers, during the period of his ap-
pointment, was also acting as Post Master in said county, under
the authority of the general government, which would disqualify
the said Simpers from acting as a justice of the peace aforesaid;
and whereas, much inconvenience and injury may result to sundry
persons unless the acts which have been done by the said Johnson
Simpers as a justice of the peace of the county aforesaid, since his
appointment, are confirmed and made valid; Therefore,
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That all
acts and proceedings which have been done by the said Johnson
Simpers, since his appointment as a justice of the peace for the
county aforesaid, shall be as valid and shall have the same force,
Passed Feb.
26, 1825.