An additional supplement to the act entitled, An act to regulate and disci-
pline the Militia of this State.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That each brigadier general or commanding officer of a brigade,
shall appoint a day of meeting, exercise and inspection, in the
month of September each year, in regiment or battalion, and it
shall be the duty of the brigade inspector to attend and inspect the
same, giving thirty days previous notice thereof to the command-
ing officers of regiments, extra battalions or independent volunteer
2. And be it enacted, That the brigade inspector, after such meet-
ing, report to the general commanding, the efficient strength, equip-
ment and condition of each regiment or battalion, designating the
strength and condition of each company; the brigade inspector to
make said report within two weeks after such meeting, under a
penalty not exceeding the sum of fifty dollars, nor less than five
dollars, to be inflicted by a court martial, under such provisions as
this act prescribes.
.3. And be it enacted. That all other meetings and musters of the
militia are dispensed with, excepting one annual meeting of the
commissioned officers for drill and exercise, which meeting shall be
on the last Saturday in April, at ten o'clock., A. M. and two com-
pany meetings annually, one in the month of May, and one in the
month of August; the captains or commanding officers of compa-
nies, shall under the existing penalties, appoint the day for such,
4. And be it enacted, That articles fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh
and eighth, constituting general courts martial, division, brigade,
regimental and extra battalion courts martial are hereby repealed,
5, And be it enacted, That brigadier generals, commanding a bri-
gade, ("except in the third division of Maryland militia, where the
major general will command,) shall appoint general courts mar-
tial whenever necessary, and all commissioned officers within their
respective commands shall be subject to this duty.
6. And be it enacted, That general courts martini shall consist of
any number of commissioned officers from five to thirteen inclu-
sively, the larger number to be preferred when that number can be
convened or obtained with convenience, and the majority of every
general court martial shall consist of officers superior in rank to
the officer to be tried before such court martial, whenever prac-
7. And be it enacted, That no sentence of a court martial shall
be carried into execution, until after the whole proceedings shall
have been laid before the officer ordering the same, or in case of
his removal, the officer commanding for the time being; nor shall
any sentence extending to the cashiering of any commissioned of-
ficer be carried into execution, until the whole proceedings shall
have been transmitted by the officer ordering the same, to the
governor of this state for his confirmation or disapproval, the go-
vernor communicating his decision on such proceedings to the of-
ficer from whom they were transmitted; all other sentences to be
confirmed by the officer ordering the court martial.
Dec. Ses. 1824
Passed Feb.
25, 1825.
day in Sept-
Inspector to
One annual
meeting of of-
Two compa-
ny meetings.
courts mar-
tials repeat-
courts mar-
—To consist
sentence to
be confirmed.