Dec. Ses. 1824
Collectors to
pay over.
Levy court
meet in April
and two thirds of a cent; on Prince Georges county, the sum of
two thousand one hundred and eighty seven dollars and thirty
three cents and one third of a cent; on Queen Ann's county, the
sum of one thousand six hundred and one dollars thirty three
cents and one third of a cent; on Worcester county, the sum of
one thousand three hundred and ninety six dollars sixty six cents
and two thirds of a cent; on Frederick county, the sum of four
thousand five hundred and thirty one dollars thirty three cents and
one third of a cent: on Harford county, the sum of one thousand
five hundred and twenty two dollars; on Caroline county, the sum
of six hundred and forty dollars; on Washington county, the sum
of two thousand four hundred and twenty nine dollars thirty three
cents and one third of a cent; on Montgomery county, the sum of
one thousand four hundred and fifty three dollars thirty three cents
and one, third of a cent; on Allegany county, the sum of six hun-
dred and seventy four dollars sixty six cents and two thirds of a
cent; which said several sums shall be collected in the same man-
ner that county charges are collected, and by the same collectors;
the levy courts respectively taking additional bond and security
from their respective collectors for their faithfully collecting, pay-
ing and accounting for the monies to be collected under this act.
2. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of each and every
collector to pay into the treasury of the eastern or western shore,
as the case may be, the sum to be by him collected as aforesaid, on
or before the first day of February next.
3. And be it enacted, That the levy courts of the several coun-
ties in this state shall meet on or before the first Monday in
April next., to levy and assets the several sums mentioned in this
Passed Feb.
24, 1824.
Penalty for
An act for the preservation of the breed of Wild Deer in Baltimore County.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That from
and after the passage of this act, it shall nut be lawful for any per-
son or persons whatsoever to shoot, or otherwise destroy any Wild
Deer in Baltimore county, except from the first day of September,
to the first day of January yearly, under the penalty of five dollars,
for every Deer so killed or destroyed to be recovered before a jus-
tice of the peace for said county, as other small debts are, one half
of which said sum of five dollars, shall be applied to the use of the
county, and the other half to be received by the person who shall
make information thereof, any law to the contrary notwithstanding.
Passed Feb.
24, 1825.
Control an-
Rights vest-
An act for the relief of Rebecca Whitely of Queen Anne's County.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
John Whitely of Queen Anne's county, shall from the passage of
this act, be, and he is hereby altogether deprived of all and every
interest, authority, power and control, in, over and to the person of
Rebecca Whitely, his wife, as fully as if she had never been mar-
2. And be it enacted, That the said Rebecca Whitely, shall be,
and she is hereby declared to be vested with the title to all and