Dec. Ses. 1824
Levy court
may allow
2. And be it enacted, That all applications by or in behalf of any
person or persons, desirous of being maintained at the public ex-
pense out of the poor house of said county, shall be made to one
or more of the justices of the levy court of said county; and if said
justice or justices shall he of opinion, that the person or persons
applying or applied for, is or are so circumstanced as to render a
situation in the poor house particularly unsuitable, the said justice
or justices are hereby directed to recommend such applicant or
applicants to the levy court of said county, at their next annual
session; and the said levy court (if they or a majority of them,
shall be of opinion, that the circumstances of the applicant or ap-
plicants are such as to render a situation in the poor house particu-
larly unsuitable) are hereby authorised and required to levy a sum
of money for the support of said applicant or applicants out of the
poor house, not exceeding thirty dollars for any one applicant;
Provided, that the number of pensioners so to be supported out of
the poor house; shall not at any one time exceed twenty, and the
money so levied shall be collected as other public monies are; and
shall be paid to the said out pensioner, or such other person or per-
sons for their use, as the said levy court shall deem most suita-
Passed Feb.
24, 1825.
Clerks to co-
lect the tax
Blanks to be
Provisions of
former act
extended to
Contrary acts
An act relative to licenses to retailers of spirituous liquors, licenses to retail
spirituous liquors at horse races, and licenses to hawkers and pedlars.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That hereafter the. clerks of the several enmities in this state shall
collect and receive on issuing licenses to retailers of spirituous li-
quors, to retailers of spirituous liquors at horse races, and to haw-
kers and pedlars, the taxes upon the same, which have been here-
tofore collected by sheriffs.
2. And be it enacted, That the governor and council shall cause
to be furnished to the treasurer of the Western shore, blanks for
said licenses, of which said treasurer shall deliver on the applica-
tion of the several county clerks, as may be deemed necessary, in
the same manner, and at the same time that blank marriage licen-
ses are now furnished.
3. And be it enacted, That the provisions of the act, entitled
"An Act to secure the collection of the duties imposed upon mar-
riage licenses," shall be extended, so far as applicable, to the li-
censes mentioned in this act; and so far as relate to the duties of the
several county clerks, and treasurer.
4. And be it enacted, That from and after the passage of this act
that so much of any act or acts as are inconsistent with its provi-
sions, be, and the same are hereby repealed.
Passed Feb.
24. 1825.
Treasurer of
shore to pay
over half
turn state-
Ah act relating to the Treasurers of the Western and Eastern Shores of
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the treasurer of the Eastern Shore, shall, on the first day of
June, and first day of December annually, or within ten days
thereafter, pay over to the treasurer of the Western shore, all
public money which may have been received into the treasury of