arresting and imprisoning, or attempt to arrest and imprison any
free person or persons, or any person or persons entitled to his, her
or their freedom at or after a certain age, period or contingency,
with intent forcibly to carry or to cause to be forcibly carried out of
this state, the said person or persons so free or entitled to his, her
or their freedom as aforesaid; the person or persons so commit-
ting said murder knowing such person or persons so arrested and
imprisoned or attempted to be arrested and imprisoned, to be free
or entitled to his, her or their freedom as aforesaid, shall be deem-
ed murder of the first degree; and any person duly convicted of
said murder, his, her or their aiders, abettors, and counsellors, shall
suffer death by hanging by the neck.
Dec. Ses. 1824
An act relating to Coroners' Bonds.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That every coroner, before he acts as such, shall, within sixty days
after his appointment, or renewal of his commission, and in each
and every year thereafter, give bond, or enter into a recognizance,
with two sufficient sureties to the state of Maryland in the penalty
of three thousand dollars, with a condition, that he will well and
truly execute the office of coroner in all things thereunto belonging;
and shall also well and faithfully execute and return all writs or
other process to him directed; and shall also pay and deliver to the
person or persons entitled to receive the same, all sums of money,
all goods and chattels by him levied, seized or taken, agreeably to
the directions of the writ or other process, under which the same
shall have been levied, seized or taken; and also shall keep and de-
tain in safe custody, all and every person and persons committed
to his custody, or by him taken in execution, or who shall be com-
mitted for the want of bail, without suffering them to escape or de-
part from his custody; and shall also satisfy and pay all judgments
which shall be rendered against him as coroner, and shall also
well and truly execute and perform the several duties required of
or imposed upon him by the laws of this state; which bond or re-
cognizance, shall be entered into before and approved by the
judges of the orphans court or someone of them; and shall im-
mediately after the execution thereof, be recorded in the county
court office, of the county in which the party so executing shall act
as coroner.
2. And be it enacted, That the first section of the act of seven-
teen hundred and ninety seven, chapter ninety five, be, and the same
is hereby repealed.
Passed Feb.
24, 1825.
bond prescri-
An act to alter and repeal such parts of the constitution and form of
government, as relate to the division of Somerset county, into election dis-
Whereas, it has been represented to this General Assembly, that
great inconveniences have been experienced by reason of the exis-
ting division of Somerset county, into election districts, for reme-
dy whereof.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
all such parts of the constitution and form of government, as re-
Passed Feb
23, 1825.
Former law